@kkk5546: The warforged seem to be omitted from the Ebberon Campaign Setting data set thus far available in this huge data set. Adding the race wouldn't be too difficult and there is a tutorial in the help menu. One of the best ways to get going is to try to create a new one by copying an existing race and tweaking things here and there. Eventually creating from scratch is pretty easy.
Speaking of editing things...
I'm having trouble with Pre-reqs like:
foreach pick in hero from BaseWep where "Broadcast.WepFocus"
validif (each.tagis[wCategory.Reach] <> 0)
My major issue is where can I see a list of all possible containers like BaseWep, BaseSkill, etc... and where the hell are the fields "Broadcast.?"
I ask this because let's say I take Weapon Focus (Guisarme), but I have not added a Guisarme in any form to my inventory (wGuisarme or iMagWeapon); then by the wonderful logic of this pre-req I DO NOT qualify for a feat like Short Haft. I figure because it is searching the weapons I have, not the feats, checking if any that I own have weapon focus attached to them, and then if so checking if it is a reach weapon. This is a terribly unprincipled way of looking at it. One should be checking the Feats I have, seeing if there is a Weapon Focus feat, and then for each of them seeing if they apply to a reach weapon.
Wow, I just figured out how to do it all by myself. The pre-req for feats like this should read
foreach pick in hero from BaseFeat where "HasFeat.fWepFoc"
validif (each.field[fChosen].chosen.tagis[wCategory.Reach] <> 0)
Which does exactly what you'd want. It looks at your feats (a'la BaseFeat) and specifically grabs the Weapon Focus feats (HasFeat.fWepFoc). Then it looks to what you chose in the fChosen field (each.field[fChosen]) and grabs the thing you chose (each.field[fChosen].chosen) and looks to its tags to see if the weapon has reach (each.field[fChosen].chosen.tagis[wCategory.Reach]).
Boo Yah! I'm getting better at this.
Sendric, I'm seriously down for going through and editing files that are released from you to correct such snafu's; that way I can stop making my own custom replacement versions and make my changes "permanent".