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Community Created 3.5 D&D data set....

Just an FYI slaGoWind and slaWallIce both need have User Tags of Ability Focus Selection added to them because they both have a saving throw. Thus they need to be able to selected for that so that the DC can be increased. Both of these are already existing so I can't do it as I create it.
Just an FYI slaGoWind and slaWallIce both need have User Tags of Ability Focus Selection added to them because they both have a saving throw. Thus they need to be able to selected for that so that the DC can be increased. Both of these are already existing so I can't do it as I create it.

Hadn't thought of that. I suppose all the sla's with a saving throw will need that. Thanks for the head's up.
No problem. I noticed that a couple of the ones that I converted from old dragon spell like abilities to sla had it so I have started checking as I make stuff.

This next part is something that I hope can be done but I'm not sure. And I hope that I describe it good enough.

So we are creating sla's, which are just basic spell or spell-like abilities, and then creating SplAb's to get them ready for us by specific monsters. Which are then bootstrapped to the monster.

Well when we create the sla's we can mark for it to display a spell information in the pop up box when we hover over the "?" in the Spell tab of the character and we can put a description in the sla that will display above the spell info. What I'm wondering is if there is any way to script that description into the SplAb's instead? That way the sla's are truly generic and the SplAb's, which are monster specific anyway can control it for each monster.

Did I explain that well enough?
No problem. I noticed that a couple of the ones that I converted from old dragon spell like abilities to sla had it so I have started checking as I make stuff.

This next part is something that I hope can be done but I'm not sure. And I hope that I describe it good enough.

So we are creating sla's, which are just basic spell or spell-like abilities, and then creating SplAb's to get them ready for us by specific monsters. Which are then bootstrapped to the monster.

Well when we create the sla's we can mark for it to display a spell information in the pop up box when we hover over the "?" in the Spell tab of the character and we can put a description in the sla that will display above the spell info. What I'm wondering is if there is any way to script that description into the SplAb's instead? That way the sla's are truly generic and the SplAb's, which are monster specific anyway can control it for each monster.

Did I explain that well enough?

I'm not sure I'm entirely understanding, but I'll see if I can answer. The sla's don't have or need a description of their own. They are tagged to provide the spell's description they are copying. This is and should be true for all sla specials.

The SplAb's, which I think you are referring to the specials that bootstrap the sla's, can have a description or not. Technically, they don't even need to be visible in the portfolio, but you can provide a description that provides the user info on what spell-like abilities are available when.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what descriptions are really needed. You can, of course, tag the SplAb's to provide spell descriptions, but that could become a very long description if you're talking about multiple spells (some creatures can have 10 or more spell-like abilities) so that doesn't seem practical.

If you *do* need to provide a description on the sla, but don't want it to be for all creatures, you can use the CustDesc field when it's bootstrapped. There is a large limit in the Value for this field, so it can pretty much be as long as you want it to be. There's also a way to provide line breaks (/n I think) should you need them since the field does need to be one continuous string (spaces ok).

Perhaps I'm missing something. If so, please provide an example so my slow brain can figure it out.
You're right that the vast majority of them do not need a description but a few do.

For example:
Black and Copper (if my memory serves me) dragons have Darkness and Endure Elements respectively. They work exactly like the spell except the radius equals 10 feet per their age category. So it will need a custom description describing that.

Black and White dragons have special spell like abilities that are either modified spells or modified multiple spells.

Black dragons have a Charm Reptiles spell like ability that works like Charm Person but only on reptiles.

White dragons have a Freezing Fog spell like ability that works like Fog Cloud and Grease.

Both will need custom descriptions to explain them. The spells that they memic can be tagged but the modifications have to be explained.

There might be more but I haven't polished the descriptions yet.
So far I have all of the MM dragons except silver and gold and there are 8 that need extra descriptions.

Another option that I'm currently looking into is creating spells for the unique spell-like abilities without any mention of dragons. Then tie those descriptions to the sla file. I'm not marking for them to be on any spell list so they will kind of be hidden, but available for custom monster creation.

But there will still be a few that already have spells to tie to but need the extra descriptions for changes like radius.
You're right that the vast majority of them do not need a description but a few do.

For example:
Black and Copper (if my memory serves me) dragons have Darkness and Endure Elements respectively. They work exactly like the spell except the radius equals 10 feet per their age category. So it will need a custom description describing that.

Black and White dragons have special spell like abilities that are either modified spells or modified multiple spells.

Black dragons have a Charm Reptiles spell like ability that works like Charm Person but only on reptiles.

White dragons have a Freezing Fog spell like ability that works like Fog Cloud and Grease.

Both will need custom descriptions to explain them. The spells that they memic can be tagged but the modifications have to be explained.

There might be more but I haven't polished the descriptions yet.

Freezing Fog can be it's own separate spell-like ability that uses the descriptions of those two spells in addition to it's own description. That would be my preference for special circumstances such as these.

SLA's that alter the radius can be given custom descriptions or have their livename modified to indicate the radius the spell can affect.

Spells that mimic other spells but only target specific types of creatures can likewise have their livename modified with a custom description.

So far I have all of the MM dragons except silver and gold and there are 8 that need extra descriptions.


Another option that I'm currently looking into is creating spells for the unique spell-like abilities without any mention of dragons. Then tie those descriptions to the sla file. I'm not marking for them to be on any spell list so they will kind of be hidden, but available for custom monster creation.

But there will still be a few that already have spells to tie to but need the extra descriptions for changes like radius.

I'd prefer to avoid adding new spells if we can help it. I think the options I outlined above is more than enough to cover our needs. If you need help implementing any of them let me know.
Ok this is a list of all the sla's that either do not have an exact spell to reference or need a modification of a spell. I added the dragon type at the end.

Charm Reptiles – works as a mass charm spell (I tied to Mass Charm Monster) that affects only reptilian animals and can communicate with any charmed reptiles as through casting a Speak With Animals. Equivalent of a 1st-level spell. (Black Dragon)

Corrupt Water – can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature’s possession must succeed on a Will save (DC equal to that of the dragon’s frightful presence) or become fouled. This ability is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell. Its range is equal to that of the dragon’s frightful presence. (Black Dragon)

Create/Destroy Water – works like the Create Water spell, except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature’s possession must succeed on a Will save (DC equal to that of the dragon’s frightful presence) or be ruined. This ability is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell. (Blue Dragon)

Darkness – can cast Darkness with a radius of 10 ft per age category. (Black Dragon)

Detect Gems – divination effect similar to a Detect Magic spell, except that it finds only gems. The dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact location, type, and value. This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell. (Gold Dragon)

Endure Elements – can cast Endure Elements (with a radius of 10ft. x dragon’s age category). (Brass Dragon)

Freezing Fog – similar to a Solid Fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a Grease spell. The dragon is immune to the Grease effect because of its icewalking ability. This ability is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell. (White Dragon)

Locate Object – can use this ability as the spell of the same name, once per day per age category. (Red Dragon)

Luck Bonus – can touch a gem, usually on embedded in the dragon’s hide, and enspell it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 10-foot radius per age category of the dragon receives a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws and similar rolls, as for Stone Of Good Luck (see the item description, page 267 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). If the dragon gives an enspelled gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The effect lasts 1d3 hours plus 3 hours per age category of the dragon but ends if the gem is destroyed. This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell. (Gold Dragon)

Summon Djinni – works like a Summon Monster spell, except that it summons one djinni. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell. (Brass Dragon)
I noticed that for the Song Dragon several of the Supernatural Abilities (SU) have been made Spell-Like Abilities (SP). Is that so that they will show in the Spell tab?
Hi !

I am trying to build a Druid with the PrC Planar Shepherd (from Faiths of Eberron). It seems that this particular book has not been added to the community data set yet.

Is it a somewhat planned work ? If not, how should I go about using the editor to try doing it myself ?

Hero Lab is a really powerful tool, and I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I sometimes get discouraged from using classes/races that have not yet been addedto the package...

As a bonus question : I can't find the anthropomorphic races from savage species in the race list, even though Savage Species is checked in the hero configuration. Are they not there ?

Thanks a lot for your work !
I noticed that for the Song Dragon several of the Supernatural Abilities (SU) have been made Spell-Like Abilities (SP). Is that so that they will show in the Spell tab?

No clue. I'll have to take a look when I'm adding your changes to the other dragons. Let me know when those are ready for me to look at.
Hi !

I am trying to build a Druid with the PrC Planar Shepherd (from Faiths of Eberron). It seems that this particular book has not been added to the community data set yet.

Is it a somewhat planned work ? If not, how should I go about using the editor to try doing it myself ?

Hero Lab is a really powerful tool, and I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I sometimes get discouraged from using classes/races that have not yet been addedto the package...

As a bonus question : I can't find the anthropomorphic races from savage species in the race list, even though Savage Species is checked in the hero configuration. Are they not there ?

Thanks a lot for your work !


You must be new here. Welcome. Here's some information you will probably need. The inclusion of any individual source does not automatically mean that all data from that source has been entered. In most cases, in fact, the opposite is true. There are a few cases where everything is included, but those are the exceptions, not the rule.

I can add Planar Shepherd to my to-do list. However, I can't say when I will get to it. It's a very long list. If you want to take a crack at it, the editor will allow you to make a class. It may seem a little daunting at first, but to do so, you go to the Class tab then the Class sub-tab and select New (Blank). Fill in the fields that show up. Once that's done, HL will process it and you'll be able to start filling in the details. Most of it is pretty easy. Class specials must generally be added to the Class Special tab then bootstrapped to the thing you created in the Class tab. There are many other classes already made you can look at for ways to handle things. I don't know anything about this class so I don't know how complicated it may or may not be, but don't hesitate to ask questions if you run into any problems.
Here is an example from the Deep Dragon. The True Seeing is a Supernatural (Su) ability in the Draconomicon but in Hero Lab it is showing as a Spell-Like Abililty (Sp). It has its own sla file.


You must be new here. Welcome. Here's some information you will probably need. The inclusion of any individual source does not automatically mean that all data from that source has been entered. In most cases, in fact, the opposite is true. There are a few cases where everything is included, but those are the exceptions, not the rule.

I can add Planar Shepherd to my to-do list. However, I can't say when I will get to it. It's a very long list. If you want to take a crack at it, the editor will allow you to make a class. It may seem a little daunting at first, but to do so, you go to the Class tab then the Class sub-tab and select New (Blank). Fill in the fields that show up. Once that's done, HL will process it and you'll be able to start filling in the details. Most of it is pretty easy. Class specials must generally be added to the Class Special tab then bootstrapped to the thing you created in the Class tab. There are many other classes already made you can look at for ways to handle things. I don't know anything about this class so I don't know how complicated it may or may not be, but don't hesitate to ask questions if you run into any problems.

Hi Sendric, thank you for your answer !

I did not mean to make it sound like anything was due to be done ! I fully understand that this whole package rests entirely on the passion and dedication of a handful. I am in fact really grateful for all this. I am sorry if my previous message sounded like a rant !

I will try to add the class myself. If I end up with a decent result I will hand it out to you for it to be added to the package.

Once again, thank you, and have a nice day !
Hi Sendric, thank you for your answer !

I did not mean to make it sound like anything was due to be done ! I fully understand that this whole package rests entirely on the passion and dedication of a handful. I am in fact really grateful for all this. I am sorry if my previous message sounded like a rant !

I will try to add the class myself. If I end up with a decent result I will hand it out to you for it to be added to the package.

Once again, thank you, and have a nice day !

Don't worry. I didn't take it as a rant. People request things all the time. I try to keep up, but it's not always easy. Thankfully there are others who are helping out as well. Even still, there's a lot that still needs to be added. I just wanted to make sure your expectations were properly aligned with where we're at today.

Do let us know if you have any questions regarding the creation of this class.
Here is an example from the Deep Dragon. The True Seeing is a Supernatural (Su) ability in the Draconomicon but in Hero Lab it is showing as a Spell-Like Abililty (Sp). It has its own sla file.

My guess is it was made a Spell-Like Ability as a mistake or to make sure it appeared in the spells tab. If that's something you feel like should be changed, I won't argue with you.
I like them showing in the Spell tab, especially those that can only be used a set number of times per day. But I would want them to show as a (Su) because Su's do not provoke attacks of opportunity. And are still available sometimes when Sp's are not. And to avoid confusion.

I'll look into changing the display name tag from (Sp) to (Su).
I like them showing in the Spell tab, especially those that can only be used a set number of times per day. But I would want them to show as a (Su) because Su's do not provoke attacks of opportunity. And are still available sometimes when Sp's are not. And to avoid confusion.

I'll look into changing the display name tag from (Sp) to (Su).

If the tag is changed, it won't appear in the Spells tab. It can be shown in the Specials tab. Alternately, you could add the (Su) tag. I think that will keep it in the spells tab but show (Sp) (Su) at the end.