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Community Created 3.5 D&D data set....

No problem. Glad its working for you. As for the extra language, sure. I was going to suggest using the "languages" adjustment, but it turns out there isn't one. So, what I would recommend is this. Use the adjustment "Skill Points, Total" to add 1 skill point and then use that skill point in Speak Language. If its a cross-class skill, you'll need 2 points instead.

Perfect! I was going to ask the same thing for a bonus feat, but it works for that, too. Never noticed that section. Thanks again!
I'm currently working on a demon heavy adventure but low level. So I went through the books to get all the low level demons in one list and found that only 6 are currently in HL. I really liked the adventure Cage of Delirium by Goodman Games that uses the Midnight Syndicate CD Gates of Delirium and so I'm creating more adventures using their music, other CDs, as background music. The following list is the demons that I'm thinking about using but aren't in HL

Demon Book
Abyssal Maw MM2
Abyssal Skulker MM2
Abyssal Ravager MM2
Jovoc MM2
Nashruo MM4
Carnage Demon MM5
Armanite Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss
Bar-Lgura Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss
Broodswarm Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss
Ekolid Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss
Mane Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss
Juvenile Nabassu Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss
Rutterkin Fiendish Codex: Hordes of the Abyss

I've been trying to work on inputting the Juvenile Nabassu but I can't seem to figure out the Camouflage, Death-Stealing Gaze, and Feed abilities in. Also a +11 to hit on its bite and only a +6 on its claws, admittedly I didn't work on this for long because I was focusing on the abilities, but I can't seem to get the to hit different on each. Also the damage bonus is +6 on the bite and only +3 on the claw. Didn't even really have time to look at that so it might not be a big deal.

You guys do great work and if I could figure out how to add these abilities and help input monsters for you guys to just look over and then add I would be happy to but my knowledge of this program isn't that good yet. Hopefully my classes at Gencon this year will help with that.
Hrm, that's a lot of demons, as soon as I get done with this one issue I'm currently tackling I can look at some of them. However, to help you get started I suggestion go through the tutorial on in the game help "Help Using the Editor," and of course ChiefWeasel's Youtube videos (They are for the pathfinder system but they should give some aid). (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheChiefweasel)

As for +11 Bite and +6 Claws, without looking at the monster, I'd have to say it is probably an issue of Primary vs Secondary natural attack. Which, as long as the natural weapons are tagged as primary or secondary correctly, it should sort itself out. Although, I have to say, it does seem a bit odd that bite would be listed as primary. But, its not unheard of.
Yea, a lot of monsters have yet to be added. Hordes of the Abyss, and its companion Tyrants of the Nine Hells, are two books I've been itching to get added. I'll add these to the request pile.
User content broken

Hi guys, since latest Herolab Update (5.3) after I import all the user files i get compilation errors about non existent panel linkage for the classes. Anybody had this issue/knows how to solve it? The whole lot of user material becomes usless... :(
I just downloaded the data set and I get the following Errors - Any thoughts?

Hero Lab was forced to stop compilation after the following errors were detected:

Thing 'cHelpDrC' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrDrC' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpDrP' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrDrP' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpElP' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrElP' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpFRv' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrFRv' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpHWa' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrHWa' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpMEx' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrMEx' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpPaA' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrPaA' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpPaI' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrPaI' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpSHP' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrSHP' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpSOn' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrSOn' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpSqL' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrSqL' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpUnS' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrUnS' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpWMa' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrWMa' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpWWe' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrWWe' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpWuJ' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrWuJ' does not exist

I don't have anything of mine in the d20 file.
It was Weird - I had to find each one of those in the error report and save and test them individually to fix the problem. It's all working now. So never mind. Though it was a pain to track all those down.
It was Weird - I had to find each one of those in the error report and save and test them individually to fix the problem. It's all working now. So never mind. Though it was a pain to track all those down.
That is very strange. You should not have to do that and not sure it will last after your next restart. It kind of sounds like windows/mac has locked those files out from reading.
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I just downloaded the data set and I get the following Errors - Any thoughts?

Hero Lab was forced to stop compilation after the following errors were detected:

Thing 'cHelpDrC' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrDrC' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpDrP' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrDrP' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpElP' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrElP' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpFRv' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrFRv' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpHWa' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrHWa' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpMEx' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrMEx' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpPaA' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrPaA' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpPaI' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrPaI' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpSHP' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrSHP' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpSOn' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrSOn' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpSqL' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrSqL' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpUnS' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrUnS' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpWMa' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrWMa' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpWWe' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrWWe' does not exist
Thing 'cHelpWuJ' - Tab panel linkage 'cUsrWuJ' does not exist

I don't have anything of mine in the d20 file.

I am getting the same errors. Tried to execute HeroLab as Admin, but no go.
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If you notice the bug reports thread, it looks like there are even more errors.

NEvermind - ignore this post.
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should be in the community data set.. do you have it as part of your download/updates?

If not, look at the first post in this thread.