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[Bug Reports] High Elves

This is a banner that can be taken by any unit as long as Alarielle the Radiant is in the army. It's described under her information in the army book.

Only the BSB can take this item, and it does not shown until you have Alarielle in your list first.

I verfied this in with both the Noble and Sea Helm BSB options and it does appear.

I still need to fix the horn as it should aonly be availabe to the handmaiden hero.

Both are fixed for 2.69
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Hi, I noticed a minor thing...

The Phoenixes have Swiftstride and Swift Stride listed as rules. I'm guessing you'll need to delete the single word version. :)
I apologize if this is a not a bug as I'm still new, but why does the Anointed lose his ward save when I add a magic shield? (I'm also adding a magic weapon)
I apologize if this is a not a bug as I'm still new, but why does the Anointed lose his ward save when I add a magic shield? (I'm also adding a magic weapon)

BC a magic weapon is not a hand weapon. Anytime you use anything but a hand weapon you lose your parry save.
Thanks, but his +4 natural ward isn't a parry save? (Witness to Destiny)

The +4 ward disappears when I add the shield not the magic weapon. Even if he has a regular halberd it deletes the +4 as soon as I add the shield.
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I'm using 2.88 and just noticed an issue with Silver Helms. Adding a High Helm to the unit causes a problem with the Armor save on the High Helm. Without a shield the RnF is 3+ but a High Helm has a 2+ out of the box. If you add the shield it goes down to 1+. It also lists Ithilmar Barding in the equipment description for the High Helm but does not list it for RnF - which it should. So I am presume that this is the root of the problem. All entries in the unit should have a 2+ (assuming they add the shield).



I'm using 2.88 and just noticed an issue with Silver Helms. Adding a High Helm to the unit causes a problem with the Armor save on the High Helm. Without a shield the RnF is 3+ but a High Helm has a 2+ out of the box. If you add the shield it goes down to 1+. It also lists Ithilmar Barding in the equipment description for the High Helm but does not list it for RnF - which it should. So I am presume that this is the root of the problem. All entries in the unit should have a 2+ (assuming they add the shield).



Found the why and its fixed for 2.89

For the sake of completeness, the RnF Silver Helms does not have Ilithmar Barding in the equipment description. Minor detail, but worth noting.

Fast fix. Thank You!