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[Bug Reports] Dark Elves

Cauldron of Blood Fix

As far as I am aware, a mounted model cannot have an extra hand weapon. The witch elves have their additional hand weapon removed on the cauldron of blood but the death hag's remains when you add the CoB.

Sorry if I missed something obvious.

Also, should the death hag's magic weapon be disabled when a magic standard is selected when they are the battle standard?
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Death hag as BSB can still have magic weapon, but will review if it loses access to magic weapon if it takes magic standard
Doesn't Malus Darkblade have 3 wounds instead of 2?

Not only does he have 3 wounds, he is a complete lord now.

He has WS7, BS 7 and Initiative 8 with 4 Attacks and LD 10.
His current stats in army builder is Ws6, BS5, Initiative 7 and 3 Attacks with LD9.

The only two stats that are correct is his St and To. After the previous change now also his wounds are correct.

Would be great if this could be fixed.
Not only does he have 3 wounds, he is a complete lord now.

He has WS7, BS 7 and Initiative 8 with 4 Attacks and LD 10.
His current stats in army builder is Ws6, BS5, Initiative 7 and 3 Attacks with LD9.

The only two stats that are correct is his St and To. After the previous change now also his wounds are correct.

Would be great if this could be fixed.

Ok now fully fixed for 2.77
Dark Elves - Dark Riders Herald Incorrect


During a tournament yesterday I was informed that my Army List was incorrect, specifically addressing the Dark Riders Herald which was showing 2 Attacks instead of 1 Attack. Just thought I'd point out the mistake.

In closing, when, when, when, when, will there be a FULL version of Army Builder for iPad? One of the most popular devices on the market and nothing except a reader? Very disappointing. I know other builders are soon to be released so I'd like to see you all a Lone Wolk Development to keep up with the competition.

Thank you,

During a tournament yesterday I was informed that my Army List was incorrect, specifically addressing the Dark Riders Herald which was showing 2 Attacks instead of 1 Attack. Just thought I'd point out the mistake.

In closing, when, when, when, when, will there be a FULL version of Army Builder for iPad? One of the most popular devices on the market and nothing except a reader? Very disappointing. I know other builders are soon to be released so I'd like to see you all a Lone Wolk Development to keep up with the competition.

Thank you,

Fixed for 2.81
In addition, the crossbows have are "armor piercing", that is not mentioned.

Yes it is under the subsection Option footnotes when you print your report and it lists all the cool things in your army along with the composition report. Let me kow if you dont find it
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When I give my crossbowmen a magic banner (banner of eternal flame @ 15pts), it indicates Points Left: -10 and flags the unit as having exceeded magic items points. This should not be the case as they can take up to 25pts magic banner