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[Bug Reports] Dark Elves

the bug comes up when the 'general' is selected, it makes the SDC invalid if it was selected prior to selecting 'general', the SDC option disappears if the 'general' is selected.
witch elves attack

i just recently noticed when i use the witch elves in armmy builder it list there nuber of attacks as follows: 1/3 1/3. i have been told by players who have played much longer then me this is not right that it should only be 1/3 attacks. is this some thing i can fix with the editor program u gave us or do i need to wait for u guys to fix it. thank u for your time
when i use dark elves witch elves. in the spot for attacks it is reading 1/3 1/3 when it should read just 1/3, is there a way to fix this using your editor or do i need to wait on u guys?
witch elves attack

i have used the editor, and i took the 1slash3 out, and the 1/3 1/3 went to 1/2. when i put it back in it went back the other way 1/3 1/3. i then thought about maybe trying to take the number 1 out of attacks and leaving the 1slash3, how ever this ended up with still having the 1/3 1/3. i saw on the list where u choose the unit up top that it is listed right 1/3. i dont know if this helps u any but just giving u what i tryied. thnks for ur time
After the update on 10/30, the Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress only has magic options of Shadow, Death, and Dark.
I'm sorry about this. I have identified it, and it effects pretty much every army! I will get a fix out ASAP, I'm just trying to fix another issue first. I'm hopeful there will be something out in a few hours.
At the any point level for a standard dark Elf list, it doesn't allow you to give dual handbows to the corsairs for 3 points per model. Thank you for your attention.
Black Dragon Egg

When selecting any sorceress or supreme sorceress, and choosing to equip them with a Black Dragon Egg from Enchanted Items, the item information erroneously says "Models on Foot Only". There is no such restriction for that item.
Thank you for the new DE update. Timing was excellent - tourney this weekend.

Malekith's Dragon Seraphon is supposed to have better stats than the regular Black dragon.

Thank you for the new DE update. Timing was excellent - tourney this weekend.
Malekith's Dragon Seraphon is supposed to have better stats than the regular black dragon.

Will look it over, I might have not even caught it as I very rarely use Special Characters, so I might have in my haste just driven right by it :)
This bug report was filed as a bug in ArmyBuilder itself, so I'm copying it here.

i am not sure if this is correct but when I go to add a Pegasus to the supreme sorceress it changes form 50 points to 100 points.
Thanks for the update! Adjustment as follows...
Sourgerunner Chariot should have Beastmaster Crew as per their stats instead of same as Cold One Chariot (purposely not posting actual stats due to GW legal).