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Any recent updates on the progress of Content Market

I am also one of the original beta testers. It shows that my account will expire in May of this year. As far as i know.. it shouldn't with a lifetime account?

Can you please open a support ticket about that?
I think I did both today trying them, but just in case I will do them again tomorrow. One for sync issue and the other for conversion.

However no actually issues importing. :)

Oh and yes, I like the new site, and the new and improved store front over the old HL one. Very nice upgrade to be sure.

Ok forgot the sync issue does not end with a crash just the same error (internet connection) which is cannot be. Case# 239229 for reference. If you need my database I will have to provide it at the time it can be fixed since I am continuing in it.

Conversation issue has a new crash report sent. Case# 128258 for reference.

We can't merge topics across books, which means each book would have it's own alphabetical grouping. If someone buys multiple Bestiary books, they would have multiple groupings "A", "B", "C", etc. The assumption is that many such users would want all the monsters starting with "A" from across all books to be in the same grouping. Since we can't currently do that, we felt it would be better to not impose a structure and allow users to group things as they choose.

I see the truth of it, and I agree that it was the right call, You can't be everything for everyone. The quality of the work more than makes up for any little such quibbles.

Which leads to your question. Yes, you can make whatever changes you wish to the content. You can reorganize things however you like, into whatever structure you find most efficient for your own use of the material.

And you can delete whatever material you don't want after an import completes. For example, each Bestiary book contains a wide spectrum of creatures, many of which won't make sense for a particular campaign. So you can delete all such entries and have a much more manageable list of creatures to work with during preparations for upcoming sessions.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the answer and the retention of modify rights to the store content. That's really awesome.

Thanks for the reply Rob.
We can't merge topics across books, which means each book would have it's own alphabetical grouping. If someone buys multiple Bestiary books, they would have multiple groupings "A", "B", "C", etc. The assumption is that many such users would want all the monsters starting with "A" from across all books to be in the same grouping. Since we can't currently do that, we felt it would be better to not impose a structure and allow users to group things as they choose.

Which leads to your question. Yes, you can make whatever changes you wish to the content. You can reorganize things however you like, into whatever structure you find most efficient for your own use of the material.

And you can delete whatever material you don't want after an import completes. For example, each Bestiary book contains a wide spectrum of creatures, many of which won't make sense for a particular campaign. So you can delete all such entries and have a much more manageable list of creatures to work with during preparations for upcoming sessions.

Hope this helps!

I know. Responding to my own post is bad form. But there is some important additional info that I figured would be helpful, and simply going back and editing my post will likely not have it seen by a bunch of users to whom the info would potentially be valuable. So...

All of the content from the market is uniquely identified down to the individual snippet. This confers a few benefits. First of all, if you delete something and want it back, you can do so. Granted, you'll get everything imported again, but anything missing will be restored. Secondly, and more importantly, if you edit something, your edits will always be preserved when a new import occurs. Everything else will be updated if it's new or has been changed in the import file.

So what does this mean? If you delete some snippets from a topic, they will be restored upon import. If you delete some snippets and modify others, only the ones you deleted will be restored. If you modify snippets in a topic and we modify snippets in that same topic for an update, the snippets you modify will always be preserved. Only the snippets that we modified and you did not modify will be updated. Your changes are never touched.

I hope all that makes sense!
Hey all!

I know everyone has an understandable ton of questions that fall in my domain and I need to answer them all. Truthfully, I had every intention of having announcements and FAQs available at launch.

Unfortunately, along with the many other hats I wear, I'm also the webmaster for our main site and we had a lot of emergencies preventing me from properly getting announcements and sufficient pages together.

Rather than delay after everything was shut down, yet again disappointing everyone, I pushed for continuing with the soft open and just dealing with it. I apologize for the minor bumps we're having, I promise we're working to sort them out as fast as we possibly can.

As much as I would love to answer the many questions filtering in right this minute, I'm afraid they will have to wait till Monday. I literally put 100 hours into the last six days just to get this far and did the same the week prior. I have to take some time to recover. But if you leave your questions here, I promise to be back bright and early Monday with as many answers as I can give.

For those asking about The Blight. I will put together a form for everyone to fill out and include the link in the Kickstarter announcement Monday. Once the form is filled out we will issue you the replacement material. Please keep in mind this will all be done manually so it may take a few days to get through all the requests.

If you've been waiting to download RW and HL software, they're back up.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the content, despite the bumps in the road, and I'm super excited to see where the future leads!

Last edited:
I know. Responding to my own post is bad form. But there is some important additional info that I figured would be helpful, and simply going back and editing my post will likely not have it seen by a bunch of users to whom the info would potentially be valuable. So...

All of the content from the market is uniquely identified down to the individual snippet. This confers a few benefits. First of all, if you delete something and want it back, you can do so. Granted, you'll get everything imported again, but anything missing will be restored. Secondly, and more importantly, if you edit something, your edits will always be preserved when a new import occurs. Everything else will be updated if it's new or has been changed in the import file.

So what does this mean? If you delete some snippets from a topic, they will be restored upon import. If you delete some snippets and modify others, only the ones you deleted will be restored. If you modify snippets in a topic and we modify snippets in that same topic for an update, the snippets you modify will always be preserved. Only the snippets that we modified and you did not modify will be updated. Your changes are never touched.

I hope all that makes sense!

Nice! that's super awesome!
Hi BJ,

For myself at least, I wasn't worried. If it's Monday, it's Monday. Truthfully I am not in any rush, there is already so much to digest with the new content that is already in my account, the worrying about The Blight replacement content wasn't terribly high on my list. Not in any rush for my part.

Thanks. Recover, relax, deal with stuff one thing at a time.

Thanks for all your support and interactions.


I believe most people are going to be so excited with the new content available that a couple of days on the announcements and such is not going to be a big issue... (hopefully)

You, however, sound like you need a spa day!!!

Congrats on a job well done.
To everyone @LWD, congrats on getting the CM up and running. Like many here, I am running RW and HL. Love the software and am looking forward to seeing what you guys do next, especially for RW. Have a good weekend, you've earned it.
Not that it matters now with all the other items Rob & Co. have to deal with, but I was both a beta tester and a Pack Wolf level supporter ($100 version) since I was so impressed with the initial work done. I'm showing a Feb 21, 2022 date for server expiration in case you need another odd data point.
Beta users are "special" and their standard expiration should be getting overridden. Instead, the standard expiration is being shown. We'll get that fixed. However, it's not an urgent item like a few of the other issues, so it's "in line". :)