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Any recent updates on the progress of Content Market


Well-known member
I'm not trying to start any thread for people to post compliants or anything.
I'm just seeing if there is any new information about the Content Market.
Like a status report you would provide your manager on progress.

The last information we had was from before PaizoCon.
I would also like to know what is the situation with 5th edition DnD content. Will it be available or not? Should I start looking into other programs?
The SRD will be available. They don't have a license currently for anything else official.

We can see they are working with Kobold Press in Hero Lab so I'd assume we will see Kobold Press 5e content at some stage.
The SRD will be available. They don't have a license currently for anything else official.

We can see they are working with Kobold Press in Hero Lab so I'd assume we will see Kobold Press 5e content at some stage.

Yeah, I know about the SRD. But, generally, that doesn't mean much, especially when the official digital tools are in beta. They had said that we would be able to buy ready adventures from the 5th in the store, which is one of the main reasons I bought Realm Works.

Was that simply a lie?
You will be able to buy 5e products eventually yes but at this stage that product list will not include the official WOTC products.

We don't know if that situation has changed but last information we had was that LWD are seeking a license with WOTC.

Until a license is announced the 5e products they can legally sell will be restricted to products by other producers such as Kobold Press.
Thank you for your replies, but these news are years old, which means we have been hearing the same things over and over again with no actual progress.

Yeah, I know about the SRD. But, generally, that doesn't mean much, especially when the official digital tools are in beta. They had said that we would be able to buy ready adventures from the 5th in the store, which is one of the main reasons I bought Realm Works.

Was that simply a lie?
Official tools? I wouldn't count on those too much.
I'm a 5e player, so yup, keen to hear some more positive news on this front.

Hopefully once the CM launches and LWD can show it in use things will change quickly.
I don't, but they are being developed.

No matter what happens with them there is no excuse for RW to sat so far behind of everything they had promised. Especially when it comes to content.
I understand that the coding and logic for the Content Market is going to be very complex. I myself am a Software Developer doing SQL Server Development and writing c# services. I've done plenty of ETL development so I can understand that the importing and exporting is complex.

What LWD need's to do is remove the portion from their web site with the features for Realm Works.
This then says: Pre-Created Content is Ready to Drop In
Coming in 2016.

We are half way through 2017 already.

I remember starting a thread in March 2016, asking the release date for Content Market after finding and reading information about the Content Market from 2014;
Content Market - Tentative Date?
I waited to purchase Realm Works and finally purchased it last month in May after a post from BJ
Our hope is to have the Content Market out by Paizo Con or close to it. Our devs have been hard at work adding improvements and necessary items to make this happen.

Yes there will be some Paizo Modules available at launch. I am not at liberty to say which ones yet.

All I'm asking for is more frequent updates on the progress. At least a weekly progress report from LWD on their progress.
Spending 10-15 minutes at the end of your week providing this information is much less time than having to respond daily to everyone's complaining of failed promises.
As joepacelli says, remove all mention of TO-BE features. Too many people buy the product based on road-map promises rather than what the product currently offers and then the rest of us have to keep reading their whining and complaining.

I have to disagree with the posters who ask for more updates, I think RW should give FEWER updates. People are going to hang on the developers' every word and hold them accountable for any suggested future feature, regardless of the caveats. They should only announce features when they are ready to release. Not "we expect to have by Some Con", not even "we hope to have in the next 2-3 months", only: the features are complete and will be released on the following date.

RealmWorks is an excellent tool for what it does and is well worth the price for many people as it is now. Too much of LWD's marketing, however, is focused on features in development and they are too small of a company to crunch or crash schedules to meet their release-date goals. It is best that they stop talking about it until its ready to release.

For those who bought the program based on PLANNED features, well, caveat emptor. Don't do that next time. Don't buy something that doesn't currently have a feature you require because it might have that feature some day. Keep your money in the bank and collect interest until a tool has the feature set you need.

For Kickstarter backers, yeah, you have grounds for complaint, but we've all heard them. Periodically coming to the forums to post complaints isn't accomplishing anything. If you feel you must vent, isn't that what the Kickstarter comments section is for?
OK, they are not where anyone wanted them to be, particularly LWD. But you have to respect how they have handled it. We are still not paying anything for the cloud service we have enjoyed for as long as we have owned the program, and they have resisted the urge to dream up some scheme to get a cash injection while the development has taken more time than anticipated.

Personally, I could only wish for a monthly progress update that shows what they have accomplished and what they are working. No projections on release, just a 'this is what we have accomplished,' kind of summary. That way, we could get a sense of the progress and the enormity of their challenges. It's just that the silence gets kind of deafening. I miss the days when LWD folks were on multiple times a day talking about their software dream. It was exciting, even though progress was way behind even then.
Being able to copy a realm now is a HUGE plus to this tool. So there is one plus from LWD trying to launch the content market. Big Positive there.

Honestly for me, the delay and LWD giving the free cloud service has been a positive.

Since they are not going to have WOTC content, I hope the content market keeps getting delayed as then I would not have to start paying for the cloud service. I already entered the WOTC module we are using by hand into realm works, and am not interested in the Paizo stuff. So i am not sure it is worth the cloud subscription as I am only DMing one group now and I am not sure it is a good outlay just so 3 guys who have the players version can sync to the realm.

I probably would be ok if the content market didn't come till the end of the year. Right around when Kobold Press releases the updated Midgard setting. Hopefully that will be in Realm Works!
Don't buy software too early if it does not contain what you want - unless you are prepared to trust the devs and take a certain "risk". I learned that on Steam "Greenlit" games.
Don't buy software too early if it does not contain what you want - unless you are prepared to trust the devs and take a certain "risk". I learned that on Steam "Greenlit" games.

This is also why I generally do not support software in Kickstarter. Especially video games. I did in the past and it almost never ends well. I'm making exceptions recently for map-making software. I'm currently backing three different programs now. But I'm going in eyes wide open. None of them required a big financial commitment and I treat it like a charity, not a purchase. I want to help the developers and perhaps see some cool new options and more competition in the space. I fully expect that I will not use them all.

It always perplexes me to see how outraged some bakers get when a Kickstarter fails, or deadlines slip, or the original scope contracts. Even if you don't understand what KS is and how it works and are mistakenly treating it as a pre-order market (which it most definitely is not), if losing the cost of the pledge (either total loss or partial lost through delays and failures to deliver planned features), then why did you spend the money? KS projects can and will have scope changes and you can and will lose money or not get what you want if you back enough of them.