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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

Deadlands Bug

I found a small typo in DLRSWADE.user that was causing the High Roller Edge to incorrectly fail validation. It was looking for a Spirit trait value of 45 instead of 4. Manually editing the file and restarting Herolab clears the false validation error for me.

<thing id="edgDLHiRo1SWADE" name="High Roller" description="Go high or go home. Your hero draws an extra card anytime he Deals with the Devil (see page 65)." compset="Edge" summary="Draw an extra card when Dealing With the Devil." uniqueness="unique">
<usesource source="DeadlandsSWADE"/>
<tag group="MinRank" tag="1"/>
<tag group="EdgeType" tag="Huckster"/>
<pickreq thing="edgArcDLHuSWADE"/>
<exprreq message="Spellcasting d6 required."><![CDATA[#traitfound[skSpellcst] >= 3]]></exprreq>
<exprreq message="Spirit d8 required"><![CDATA[#trait[attrSpi] >= 45]]></exprreq>