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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

Size does not seem to be adding to Max Wounds. For example, a creature with Size 4 should have 3 wounds before incapacitated. The acMaxWound value of the hero in this case though remains 2
I’ll get a bit more specific detail, but it looks like creatures at least begin with max wounds of 2. So, when taking wounds, it’s -1 -> -2 -> Incapacitated on the 3rd.
I believe that is in reference to the Size Table on p. 179 of the core rules. Large (Size 4-7) add +1 to Wounds, Huge (8-11) gain +2 Wounds, and Gargantuan (12-20) gain +3 Wounds. I don't otherwise understand the "max wounds of 2" thing? Size on p. 178 only states "Additional Wounds: Large creatures can take an additional Wound, Huge can take two, and Gargantuan three. The maximum Wound penalty is always three. This stacks with Resilient/Very Resilient (see above). Such creatures typically have Reach equal to the additional Wounds granted by Size." There is Resilient/Extra Resilient, but that just makes where a non-Wild Card NPC would actually have Wounds (+1 or +2). Normally a non-Wild Card would have none (just Incap., so they're up or they're down). Of course all of that are for NPCs in the the Bestiary section and those are just guidelines for creation as the overarching rule there is for a GM to just make them how they want them ("They are not created like player characters (though they should generally have the prerequisites of any Edges for completeness)", emphasis in the original).

For PCs the Size table wouldn't necessarily apply, especially since p. 11 explicitly states "Size: A hero’s default Size is 0 unless altered by racial abilities, Edges, or Hindrances. It cannot be less than −1 or more than +3." So a PC should never end up into that Large size category anyway, at least not by RAW. Although the Negative Racial table does reference that table on p. 179, but only for size reduction, not for larger version. p. 106 also references it but, again, I think it's overwritten by the main rule for PCs that limit them to +3 Size, FWIW.
Melee Vehicle weapons are showing RoF as part of the output for character sheets. (wpNotes field for special weapons doesn't exclude wpFireRate for melee weapons)
re: acMaxWounds -

the acMaxWounds field seems to determine how many points of wound damage it takes to show INC on the In-Play tab.

For a PC, this field seems to begin at 4, but for a creature it begins at 2 if the character isn't a Wild Card and is size 0.
Oh, I see. For a Wild Card the 4 is for the no wounds plus the 3 wounds before Incap whereas for a non-WC it would be no wounds (up) and the 1 wound for incap state, maybe? Although if your example is right then it's really 1->2->Incap w/ 2 as the number you would think a WC would be 1->2->->3->4->Incap which would be off by 1. Unless it's really 1->Incap (which would still be off by 1) and 1->2->->3->Incap which is at least what I think it doing (sorry, been a while since I've messed with HL)
Elderly Hindrance

When choosing the elderly hindrance, it gives 5 extra skill points but it should only be used for smarts based skills. Currently I can use the 5 extra skill points on any skills and it doesn't give any warnings or errors.
Unfortunately, there's no way for Hero Lab to say "these 5 points can only be used for Smarts-linked Skills". Most places where this affects things there's a note. I'll add one here.
The Level Headed edge is also incorrectly showing that the Hesitant hindrance is required. This is the same error that was picked up on the Quick edge. I'm just mentioning it in case this one got missed.
Hi, I just updated to the SWADE version and am bringing in some of my old files to convert to SWADE. For some reason it looks like I have some bad (read old) edges, but I don't have the option to delete them easily (it seems like it comes and goes) Is there something I'm missing? I can delete everything else without trouble.
Thanks, Marc
The only time you should have an issue with deleting an Edge is when it's bootstrapped to something else. It's why we avoid bootstrapping unless it's needed. And this idea of it coming and going sounds odd.
Hi, I just updated to the SWADE version and am bringing in some of my old files to convert to SWADE. For some reason it looks like I have some bad (read old) edges, but I don't have the option to delete them easily (it seems like it comes and goes) Is there something I'm missing? I can delete everything else without trouble.
Thanks, Marc
After the last update today I get this message:
"The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: DLR.user (line 3) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('setDeadlan') - found in 'DLR.user', 'DLR Setting Adjustment.user'"

What can I do. The imports (like Solomon Kane etc.) do not sho anymore.
What update are you referring to? We haven't updated Deadlands in a while.
Remove the file 'DLR Setting Adjustment.user'. There was an earlier update that took care of that. That should fix it.