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Old November 27th, 2017, 05:20 PM
I was wondering if anyone has built this class out in HL?


There aren't many options for rogue/cleric. I'm looking to use this in a solo campaign starting soon.

Any thoughts? If I was proficient at all in coding I would make it myself in HL.
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Old December 4th, 2017, 04:02 PM
I'm interested as well.
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Old December 31st, 2017, 11:08 AM
I have gotten several emails/PMs about this class and helped at least one person created it. I figure instead of repeating my emails multiple times I would post it here in this thread.

I think this is a great class to start off with in the editor because its pretty much just combining two classes together. I honestly think this is not a base class but just a powerful cleric archetype that adds rogue abilities. But to keep to the rules listed on the wiki we will build it as a new hybrid class.

1) I will start with a copy of the "core" cleric. Once you have done a new copy in the editor you will need to re-link the spells and the domains. This tells HL that while its a NEW class it should get its spells the same as a cleric and use the Cleric Custom Abilities.

The reason you have to re-link spells and domains is that spells/domains are linked to the specific class unique id of cHelpClr for 'Helper Cleric'. But your NEW class has some new Unique ID of cHelpS2DiA you gave it when you copied it. So HL does NOT know that its suppose to use the Cleric Spells and Cleric Domains.

On the editor tab "Classes->Class" of your copied cleric class.

Then under the "Spellcasting Details" section look for "uses which spells" and click the blue edit button. In the top search box of the new window type in "cleric". In the subset of options you will see Cleric listed twice. Click the (?) to find the one with sClass.cHelpClr and check mark that option. Press "OK". This just linked your copied cleric class to use Cleric Spells.

Now we have to do a similar process for "Domains". Look for "Custom Abilities" section and then "Allow Custom Abilities..." and click the 'Edit' button. In the top search box of the new window type in "cleric". In the subset of options you will see Cleric listed twice. Click the (?) to find the one with AllowCust.cHelpClr and check mark that option. Press "OK". This just linked your copied cleric class to use Cleric domains.

2) To accomplish Diminished Spellcasting simply click on the "Spells Cast Per Level" and reduce the spells per day in the matrix by one. If the value ends up being 0 you need to enter 0.1 to make HL give a spell "if" they have a high enough Wisdom bonus.

3) To make the class only get a single domain click on "Custom Ability Count" and change the matrix value to 1.

4) To give rogue Talents click on "edit" by "Secondary Ability Count". Fill out the array starting at row 0 (level one) with 1. Then row 3 which is 4th level gets a two. Etc... Then fill in the Secondary Ability Name to be "Rogue Talent".

The next part of this is advanced as you have to manually add the tag "CSCountAs.Rogue" so that the rogue talents count this class as Rogue levels. Then you have to overwrite the custom expression to allow primary rogue talents as a secondary ability:
~ We must overwrite the secondary abilities' expression, since we need to
~ make them use primary rogue/ninja abilities
field[cCstS2Expr].text = "((SpecSource.cHelpS2DiA & Helper.Secondary) | (abCategory.NinTri|abCategory.RogTal)) & !Helper.Tertiary & !Helper.Quaternary & !Helper.Quintenary & !Helper.Obsolete"
5) For Channel Energy you will have to copy this ability and make a new version. The issue is that the Channel Energy is hard-coded to each class. Once you make the copy change the tag SpecSource.cHelpClr to be SpecSource.cHelpS2DiA which is our new class helper tag. This must be changed in both the 1st and 2nd script.

Next on the "Class" tab click on the "Class Special Ability" and change the cClrChan with our newly created ability cDiAS2Chan. In addition set the level to be 2 to start not one.

6) Channeling Strike and Greater Channeling Strike I enter as new Things on the "Class->Class Specials". I set the standard DC logic to use Cha and copy/paste the text.

Then back on the "Class->Class" tab I go to the "Class Special Ability" section and click the add new to bootstrap the two new Channeling Strike abilities. I then set the correct levels of 3 and 11.

7) Finally is the Sneak Attack ability gained at level 1. I am not actually going to do this part as I am leaving it for future readers. The logic here is pretty easy as you want to take the existing Sneak Attack class special and bootstrap it multiple times to the Divine Agent class. Correctly setting the levels that the sneak attack dice get increased. This can be done using the "Class Special Abilities" section on the "Class->Class" tab.

I am going to attach the .user file I did while writing this out. Remember the sneak attack part is left for you to do yourself.

P.S. - The above would have been easier to just use an archetype to add the rogue abilities to the base Cleric class.
Attached Files
File Type: email ~PFRPG_Divine_Agent.user (20.0 KB, 13 views)

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Old January 3rd, 2018, 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by Capnwalker View Post
ok I've been learning and plugging away at this, fixing little things along the way like the saves were slightly wrong.( fort is slow and reflex is fast) and the only thing that I cannot seem to fix is the channeling. at 9th level the divine agent should only have 2d6 channel (increasing to 3d6 at 10th) but this code above is giving me the same channel dice (5d6)as a cleric of the same level. I have no clue how to change the damage dice and when you earn them.

any help?
I missed that its at half-level to a cleric. The core Channel is giving 1d6 per two levels.

If you look at the "Channel Energy" ability in the editor and at the first script you have this:
      ~only perform the calculations for the first copy
      doneif (tagis[Helper.FirstCopy] = 0)

      ~ If we're not shown, just get out now
      doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

      doneif (tagis[Helper.SpcDisable] <> 0)

      ~ Set our name properly
      var v_turnname as string
      call cClrTurnNm
      field[livename].text = v_turnname

      ~ Add our cleric level to our turning level.

      ~ We need to add to our channeling only, since we no longer stack.
      var tagexpr as string
      tagexpr = "SpecSource.cHelpS2DiA"
      call ChanEnFind
      doneif (state.isfocus = 0)

      focus.field[abValue].value += field[xAllLev].value

      ~ We also need to add a Helper.ChannelPos or ChannelNeg depending on what
      ~ our alignment or the gods alignment. The cClrTurnNm assigned the
      ~ appropriate tag to this class special when it set the livename variable,
      ~ so forward that to the correct xChannel.
      perform focus.pushtags[Helper.Channel?]
The highlighted line above is giving the ability your level. Because your class gives bonuses at "half" level you will need to divide your level in half and round down. That should make the calculations line up to what you want.

This means the above becomes:
focus.field[abValue].value += round(field[xAllLev].value/2,0,-1)

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