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Old January 16th, 2017, 11:18 AM
Thanks again everyone

I now need things to go on sale, LOL
Bebberino is offline   #21 Reply With Quote
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Old January 16th, 2017, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
That's piecemeal access
Originally Posted by rob View Post
often without fidelity
"Often" being the operative word.
Originally Posted by rob View Post
putting it all back together again entails so much effort that it's just not worth it
Depends upon the audience, but I agree in principle.
Originally Posted by rob View Post
So the objective of security is to make sure that nobody can extract a sufficiently substantive chunk in a cohesive manner that piracy becomes attractive.
Rather, in Realm Works case, that it is easier to use a different method to import or pirate works than using Realm Works secured data as the source.

In any case, I love Realm Works, think it's a great product and use it in all my games. Looking forward to the Marketplace.

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Old January 16th, 2017, 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
I have no idea what you are basing your assumptions on, but they are absolutely WRONG. The entire design of Realm Works is to achieve EXACTLY what you are describing as the objective for every GM.

Prior to the launch of the upcoming Content Market, there has been NO NEED for any security. However, we've got extensive security baked into the product, which will become apparent with all published material that we offer.

A key thing that Realm Works will allow beyond a product like Fantasy Grounds is for users to seamlessly weave separate pieces of published material together into a unified whole. They can integrate content from multiple different publishers (and game systems) together in whatever way they like. They can customize it to their heart's content. They can extend it, strip out portions, change things around, and ultimately weave it in with their own material to yield a campaign world that exactly fits their personal vision. That's the Holy Grail for every GM that I've ever known, and that's what Realm Works is finally turning into reality.

And it will all be TOTALLY SECURE for the publisher.

Please don't spread misinformation like this as assertions of fact. It's a disservice to the entire RPG community to do so. If you think something might be cause for concern, absolutely ask the question so that someone can provide you with the accurate answer. But please get the facts before making assertions. Thanks!
Thanks for the rebuke Rob, while I am not intentionally attempting to spread misinformation, If I am misinformed I completely own that. So, if I purchase content and import it into a realm, can I click edit and edit said purchased information? Here is the article where I derived my assumption:

If you manage to convince content creators to put their IP in RW content market, with a permission to alter any of their copy written content to suite the whims of the purchaser; you sir a a saint and worth any homage you receive from it!

WOTC guards their IP with ferocity and are extremely anal retentive about how it is used.

Last edited by Strategon; January 16th, 2017 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Clarity
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Old January 16th, 2017, 04:59 PM
Thanks for the rebuke Rob, while I am not intentionally attempting to spread misinformation, If I am misinformed I completely own that. So, if I purchase content and import it into a realm, can I click edit and edit said purchased information? Here is the article where I derived my assumption:

"With the Realm Works Content Market, users will be able to do just that! Find a character, a random monster, a tavern, a city or a whole adventure – then drop it in and go! More importantly, once you’ve dropped ready-made content into your world, you are free to modify it however you choose for your game. Don’t like a name? Change it. Need to replace an NPC with someone important in your existing world? Swap it in. Do a new location need to be properly integrated into your campaign? Revise it and hook it up as you deem appropriate. Never before have GMs been able to seamlessly weave external content into their own worlds like this."

If you manage to convince content creators to put their IP in RW content market, with a permission to alter any of their copy written content to suite the whims of the purchaser; you sir a a saint and worth any homage you receive from it!

WOTC guards their IP with ferocity and are extremely anal retentive about how it is used.
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Old January 16th, 2017, 05:08 PM
While they may guard it I think their concerns are catered for here.

I would assume (and hopeful) LW and WOTC will sit down and agree on a license which will enable LW to sell the official content. I'm hoping that will apply to HL also.

I would expect to see the PHB, MM, DMG, Supplements and Adventure Modules.
I would expect to see the books sold in the format they are currently sold just via Realm Works.

Which will be amazing.. but...

What I would LOVE to see is generic content made for the Forgotten Realm. The ability for users to submit content designed for the Forgotten Realms and other popular settings. A map of the Realm filled with content and pins and links. Wouldn't it be lovely!

But that won't be possible.

The only place that allows that is the DMsGuild.com

What Realm Work would really benefit from is the same license arrangement that applies to the DMsGuild.

That would open the door for the people to get really creative. Use the rules and content from the books as they see fit.

I personally doubt that will happen but remain optimistic.

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Old January 16th, 2017, 05:11 PM
Modification and integration is the whole point of RW.

You can edit anything you import and you can do anything you want with it. It will however still be flagged as belonging to the original publisher. My understanding is if you add NPCs or encounters from a published module to one that you create, you will not be able to upload yours to the marketplace to share with other people as your own, even if you change the names and such.

If on the other hand you copy/paste that same material from a PDF or printed module, you could modify names and such to incorporate it into your own work. Depending on how much modification you make, it may still be infringing but it would probably require someone to report it.
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Old January 16th, 2017, 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Strategon View Post
If you manage to convince content creators to put their IP in RW content market, with a permission to alter any of their copy written content to suite the whims of the purchaser; you sir a a saint and worth any homage you receive from it!

WOTC guards their IP with ferocity and are extremely anal retentive about how it is used.
There really isn't an issue. As long as the buyer isn't then redistributing the altered content then he is well within his rights as the purchaser of the content. Every RPG content creator has always produced material knowing that GM's were likely to buy the material and hack it to pieces and use the bits they wanted and change it in all sorts of ways. RW is very much the natural evolution of that.

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Old January 16th, 2017, 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by kbs666 View Post
There really isn't an issue. As long as the buyer isn't then redistributing the altered content then he is well within his rights as the purchaser of the content. Every RPG content creator has always produced material knowing that GM's were likely to buy the material and hack it to pieces and use the bits they wanted and change it in all sorts of ways. RW is very much the natural evolution of that.
Possibly, but IP holders general don't give the medium of transmission (Realm Works) a carte blanche license to redistribute their property without protecting it. Not to say that they aren't working out special agreements to do so, it's just not a conventional practice.

As Rob stated earlier, I have -0- knowledge of what agreements LW has obtained to redistribute IP; only mentioned it because it FG went through a lot of work to obtain their licensing for WOTC products and there are lots of stipulations, including not allowing any of the content to be altered in any way.
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Old January 16th, 2017, 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Strategon View Post
Possibly, but IP holders general don't give the medium of transmission (Realm Works) a carte blanche license to redistribute their property without protecting it. Not to say that they aren't working out special agreements to do so, it's just not a conventional practice.

As Rob stated earlier, I have -0- knowledge of what agreements LW has obtained to redistribute IP; only mentioned it because it FG went through a lot of work to obtain their licensing for WOTC products and there are lots of stipulations, including not allowing any of the content to be altered in any way.
RW is taking steps to protect content producers IP. That's why when you export material you can password protect it.

However nothing in IP law says that a purchaser cannot do whatever they want with their personal copy of something as long as they don't try to sell it as their own product.

You wouldn't suggest that people playing 5e using home brew rules are somehow violating WotC's IP would you?

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Old January 16th, 2017, 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by kbs666 View Post
You wouldn't suggest that people playing 5e using home brew rules are somehow violating WotC's IP would you?
Nope, I'm not suggesting that at all; however, what I am stating is that when you use the IP of anything copy written, it doesn't give you the right to alter it any way unless permission is granted in the user agreement that is assumed you accepted when you purchased said IP.

As an example even in the OGL from WOTC they list this:

Q: What are the penalties for violating the terms of the License?

A: You are potentially liable to three groups of people, for various types of lawsuits.

First, you could be sued by anyone listed in the COPYRIGHT NOTICE section related to any Open Game Content you copied, modified or distributed. Second, you could be sued by anyone who receives Open Game Content from you and relies on you to ensure that your work conforms to the terms of the License who subsequently discovers problems with the Open Game Content they received from you. Third, you could be sued by someone with a copyright or trademark interest in the work you've distributed, even if you did so while relying on a previous publisher's representation that they had followed the terms of the License.

You could be sued for a copyright infringement, you could be sued for misuse of a trademark, you could be sued for breach of contract, and you could be sued for any number of torts related to those three actions.

If you have concerns about the scope of your liability under the Open Game License, you should consult with your legal counsel.
Many do not realize that when you buy a product (Intellectual property) such as the Monster Manual, Player's Handbook, etc., while you own the book, you do not own anything in the book. In fact, you are essentially leasing the right to use what is in the book as the copyright holder states that they want you to use it.

This is why I followed up my original post with a quote from LW that stated:
More importantly, once you’ve dropped ready-made content into your world, you are free to modify it however you choose for your game.
The companies that are allowing us to do this through RW with their IP are taking a brave leap past the norms of the copyright world and as such, I will support wholeheartedly for doing so.

Having worked with WOTC in the past, and by experience knowing how difficult they are to work with in this area, I don't see them ever allowing any of their IP to be sold with the possibility of being edited like that.

In the end, I certainly realize my opinion means nothing; however, the companies that are allowing this I will go out of my way to support for being so community friendly.

This is what LW listed in the same article I quoted above as initial content in the market:
  • “Pirate’s Guide to Freeport” from Green Ronin Publishing (all systems)
  • “The Freeport Companion” from Green Ronin Publishing (Pathfinder and Fate)
  • “Razor Coast” from Frog God Games (Pathfinder)
  • “Blood Drive Trilogy” from Pinnacle Entertainment (Deadlands – Savage Worlds)
  • “Grande Temple of Jing” from Hammerdog Games (Pathfinder)
  • “Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game” from Engine Publishing (all systems)
  • “Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters” from Engine Publishing (all systems)
  • “Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Masters Guide to Session Prep” from Engine Publishing (all systems)
  • “Halls of the Mountain King” from Kobold Press (Pathfinder)
  • “The Blight” from Frog God Games (Pathfinder)
  • “Isle of Kandril” from Super Genius Games (Pathfinder)

Last edited by Strategon; January 16th, 2017 at 08:00 PM.
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