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Old December 22nd, 2017, 08:55 AM
The back end data they have stated will be the same. Now the editor that makes that data may be different since the UI and engine that uses that data will be different.

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Old December 22nd, 2017, 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
As far I understand only UI scripts will not work in HLO. This will affect the Pathfinder Community Pack.
What are some examples of UI scripts? I have several custom data files for each campaign I've played in, ranging from items and feats, to a complex class/template addition to add an extra tab for structure without a class. Other then tricking the system into adding the extra class tab I don't think I have anything that affects the UI, but I've been wrong before. I had to rebuild most of my data files after v5 and I would prefer to isolate potential problems early this time.
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Old December 22nd, 2017, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Nightfox View Post
What are some examples of UI scripts? I have several custom data files for each campaign I've played in, ranging from items and feats, to a complex class/template addition to add an extra tab for structure without a class. Other then tricking the system into adding the extra class tab I don't think I have anything that affects the UI, but I've been wrong before. I had to rebuild most of my data files after v5 and I would prefer to isolate potential problems early this time.
This is logic you would have had to create using Authoring Kit logic totally outside of the HL editor. Mostly a "tab" uses a Configurable that is again created in the editor itself. These will "should" all work without issue.

I am talking about custom UI created outside of the HL editor using raw XML in a text file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document signature="Hero Lab Data">
  Created by: Tim Shadow
        Date: December 5, 2016

  This is a community created sheet.

  <!-- Generate the text for a Maneuvers title label on the Manuevers printout -->
  <procedure id="PoWManLbl" scripttype="label"><![CDATA[
    var level as number
    var desc as string

    @text &= hero.actorname & " - Level " & level & " " & desc

  <!-- NOTE: The global variable pwmanout can have the following values:

      0 - output full descriptions
      1 - output summaries

  <!-- Manuever lists -->
        PathOfWar.Manuever & !Helper.Obsolete & !Helper.Helper

  <!-- Stances lists -->
        PathOfWar.Stance & !Helper.Obsolete & !Helper.Helper

  <!-- Manuever and Stances Header -->
    name="Manuever and Stances Display Header"

          foreach pick in hero from PWManList
            @text = splice(@text,eachpick.field[name].text & " " & eachpick.field[cIL].value," / ")

          @text = splice(hero.actorname,@text,", ") 
          ~& " " & chr(150) & " Maneuvers"

      perform portal[text].centerhorz
      height = portal[text].height


  <!-- Maneuvers and Stances pick -->
    name="Output Maneuvers and Stances Table"

          @text = "{align left}{horz 15}" & tagnames[Ability.?] & " (" & tagnames[ClsCountAs.?] & ")"

          @text =  tagnames[mLevel.?]

          ~ TODO: Update this to use the new PWManSumm procedure once 
          ~       we are not updating the Thing text.
          @text = field[descript].text

          @text = field[abSumm].text

      ~ The level portal has centered text, so by adding twice the padding we
      ~ want, we get a small gap at it's right-hand side, so that the number
      ~ doesn't bump right against the edge of the grey section.
      ~ The name accomplishes the same thing with a horz element, but the level
      ~ seems to be ignoring horz's and spaces at the end of the text
      portal[mLevel].width += 30
      portal[mName].width = width - portal[mLevel].width

      perform portal[mLevel].alignedge[right,0]

      if (scenevalue[pwmanout] = 1) then
        portal[mSummary].width = width
        perform portal[mSummary].autoheight
        perform portal[mSummary].alignrel[ttob,mName,10]
        height = portal[mSummary].bottom + 30
        portal[mText].visible = 0
        portal[mText].width = width
        perform portal[mText].autoheight
        perform portal[mText].alignrel[ttob,mName,10]
        height = portal[mText].bottom + 30
        portal[mSummary].visible = 0

    <portalref portal="oManTbl"/>
    <portalref portal="oStanceTbl"/>
      perform portal[oManTbl].autoplace
      perform portal[oStanceTbl].autoplace

    <templateref template="omHeader" thing="Totals" ispick="yes"/>
      template[omHeader].width = width
      perform template[omHeader].render
      height = template[omHeader].bottom

    name="Maneuvers Sheet (Description)"
    <layoutref layout="oManeuvers" reference="left"/>
    <layoutref layout="oManeuvers" reference="right"/>
    <layoutref layout="omHeader"/>
      ~ Set our global variable to 'output description'
      scenevalue[pwmanout] = 0

      ~ Setup the gap to be used between the various sections of the character sheet
      autogap = 40
      scenevalue[sectiongap] = autogap

      layout[omHeader].width = width
      perform layout[omHeader].render

      layout[left].top = layout[omHeader].bottom + 40
      layout[right].top = layout[omHeader].bottom + 40

      ~ Calculate the width of the two columns of the character sheet, leaving a
      ~ Suitable center gap between them
      var colwidth as number
      colwidth = (width - 50) / 2

      ~ Output the layout on the lefthand side with whatever information will fit
      layout[left].width = colwidth
      layout[left].height = height - layout[left].top
      perform layout[left].render

      ~ Output the layout on the righthand side with whatever information will fit
      layout[right].width = colwidth
      layout[right].height = height - layout[right].top
      layout[right].left = width - colwidth
      perform layout[right].render

    name="Maneuvers Sheet (Summaries)"
    <layoutref layout="oManeuvers" reference="left"/>
    <layoutref layout="oManeuvers" reference="right"/>
    <layoutref layout="omHeader"/>
      ~ Set our global variable to 'output summaries'
      scenevalue[pwmanout] = 1

      ~setup the gap to be used between the various sections of the character sheet
      autogap = 40
      scenevalue[sectiongap] = autogap

      layout[omHeader].width = width
      perform layout[omHeader].render

      layout[left].top = layout[omHeader].bottom + 40
      layout[right].top = layout[omHeader].bottom + 40

      ~ Calculate the width of the two columns of the character sheet, leaving a
      ~ suitable center gap between them
      var colwidth as number
      colwidth = (width - 50) / 2

      ~ Output the layout on the lefthand side with whatever information will fit
      layout[left].width = colwidth
      layout[left].height = height - layout[left].top
      perform layout[left].render

      ~ Output the layout on the righthand side with whatever information will fit
      layout[right].width = colwidth
      layout[right].height = height - layout[right].top
      layout[right].left = width - colwidth
      perform layout[right].render

From what I have been told if you have stuff like above, which I can only think of one other person that does, we will have to re-write this for HLO.

One of the reasons I have been holding off doing a big fix for Path of War is I am hoping to only have to write the new UI tab one time.

Trust me when I say you will remember writing UI for HLC because well it SUCKS! I love HL but the UI scripts are really PITA to work with.

Hero Lab Resources:
Pathfinder - d20pfsrd and Pathfinder Pack Setup
3.5 D&D (d20) - Community Server Setup
5E D&D - Community Server Setup
Hero Lab Help - Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
Created by the community for the community
- Realm Works kickstarter backer (Alpha Wolf) and Beta tester.
- d20 HL package volunteer editor.
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Old December 24th, 2017, 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
One of the reasons I have been holding off doing a big fix for Path of War is I am hoping to only have to write the new UI tab one time.
One thing to keep in mind here is that we don't have a projected date as to when we'll have this stuff available for third-party devs to work with, so you shouldn't hinge too heavily on expecting it to happen in a useful timeframe. The actual work involved with the HLO templating is much less than with current HL, though, so any "conversion" stuff later from existing HL script should be fairly straightforward once you get the gist of it.

Here's a quick, rough idea of the kind of thing it will look like. All subject to change, some of the stuff here isn't what we're currently doing, etc, but this is generally similar to what the current UI templates for HLO look like.

// locales/en-US/maneuvers.json
  "oManTbl": "Maneuvers",
  "oStanceTbl": "Stances"

// templates/manuevers.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Iterate tagGroup="PWManList">
    <Text align="center">
      {~livename} {~textKey oManTbl} ({~field cIL})
    <LayoutContainer direction="horizontal">
      <Iterate tableIds="oManTbl, oStanceTbl">
        <SheetTable groupByTag="sLevel">
            <TableCell align="left">
              {~tags Ability} ({~tags ClsCountAs})
            <TableCell>{~tags mLevel}</TableCell>
            <TableCell>{~field abSumm}</TableCell>
This would result in an arrangement with a "(whatever) Maneuvers (CL X)" header above two tables (arranged in a horizontal split on a large screen or sequentially on a small screen), each of which would have the appropriate header (automatically sourced from the file in the locales folder) and, for each pick, tag names for the ability and its level and the text of the ability summary field. No need to specify layout details, deal with text vs number field details, manually assemble string labels, etc.

The idea is to have something with easy text handling, declarative- rather than imperative-oriented, with minimal hassle dealing with loops and tables, and with anything beyond minimal layout control neither allowed nor needed (because of the need to reflow everything to fit on different screen sizes).

Last edited by Ian; December 24th, 2017 at 06:03 PM.
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Old January 2nd, 2018, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Ian View Post
One thing to keep in mind here is that we don't have a projected date as to when we'll have this stuff available for third-party devs to work with, so you shouldn't hinge too heavily on expecting it to happen in a useful timeframe. The actual work involved with the HLO templating is much less than with current HL, though, so any "conversion" stuff later from existing HL script should be fairly straightforward once you get the gist of it.
I guess I was hoping HL would get to the point where two different UI's would not be needed. With limited time I would really like to just write a UI once and use in both HLC/HLO but it sounds like that is not anytime soon.

Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Here's a quick, rough idea of the kind of thing it will look like. All subject to change, some of the stuff here isn't what we're currently doing, etc, but this is generally similar to what the current UI templates for HLO look like.

// locales/en-US/maneuvers.json
  "oManTbl": "Maneuvers",
  "oStanceTbl": "Stances"

// templates/manuevers.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Iterate tagGroup="PWManList">
    <Text align="center">
      {~livename} {~textKey oManTbl} ({~field cIL})
    <LayoutContainer direction="horizontal">
      <Iterate tableIds="oManTbl, oStanceTbl">
        <SheetTable groupByTag="sLevel">
            <TableCell align="left">
              {~tags Ability} ({~tags ClsCountAs})
            <TableCell>{~tags mLevel}</TableCell>
            <TableCell>{~field abSumm}</TableCell>
This would result in an arrangement with a "(whatever) Maneuvers (CL X)" header above two tables (arranged in a horizontal split on a large screen or sequentially on a small screen), each of which would have the appropriate header (automatically sourced from the file in the locales folder) and, for each pick, tag names for the ability and its level and the text of the ability summary field. No need to specify layout details, deal with text vs number field details, manually assemble string labels, etc.

The idea is to have something with easy text handling, declarative- rather than imperative-oriented, with minimal hassle dealing with loops and tables, and with anything beyond minimal layout control neither allowed nor needed (because of the need to reflow everything to fit on different screen sizes).
Thanks! The above looks much more like normal HTML in many ways which would make doing the UI stuff allot faster/easier for me.

Maybe I won't wait and will do the stuff now..... Appreciate the info...

Hero Lab Resources:
Pathfinder - d20pfsrd and Pathfinder Pack Setup
3.5 D&D (d20) - Community Server Setup
5E D&D - Community Server Setup
Hero Lab Help - Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
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- Realm Works kickstarter backer (Alpha Wolf) and Beta tester.
- d20 HL package volunteer editor.
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Old January 4th, 2018, 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
I guess I was hoping HL would get to the point where two different UI's would not be needed. With limited time I would really like to just write a UI once and use in both HLC/HLO but it sounds like that is not anytime soon.
There's an extremely distant chance it might happen someday, but the basic limitations of web stuff (layout on extremely varying screen sizes, the language in use, etc) mean that all the internals of what we're doing for the web UI are hugely, drastically different in every way from the internals of the desktop UI.
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Old July 18th, 2018, 03:03 PM
I am new to Hero Lab and I am very curious as to which version I should get. It sounds almost like I would need to get a version that is purely for online use to be able to do anything with it. I am not always able to be online though— that or just not being in the mood to be— so is there a version I can use that has full functionality offline or what?
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Old July 19th, 2018, 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Warwolf View Post
I am new to Hero Lab and I am very curious as to which version I should get. It sounds almost like I would need to get a version that is purely for online use to be able to do anything with it. I am not always able to be online though— that or just not being in the mood to be— so is there a version I can use that has full functionality offline or what?
Right now it's pretty simple: if you want Starfinder, get Hero Lab Online. If you want any other system, get Classic.

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Old July 19th, 2018, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Parody View Post
Right now it's pretty simple: if you want Starfinder, get Hero Lab Online. If you want any other system, get Classic.
Is Classic a fully usable version for offline use?
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Old July 19th, 2018, 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Parody View Post
Right now it's pretty simple: if you want Starfinder, get Hero Lab Online. If you want any other system, get Classic.
If you want Pathfinder 2nd edition playtest/beta, that'll be Online soon(ish).


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