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Old March 6th, 2012, 07:31 PM
I just want to point out that the Dark Sun Conversion for Pathfinder is a Work In Progress and subject to change in future updates. I do not have everything implemented and working properly as of yet. I have put a lot of work into the data and still have alot to do. With my current projects I simply don't have time to work on the Dark Sun data right now.

For those of you looking for the Templar class, it is not a class, I added it as a Cleric Archetype (This was easier to do and a lot faster than doing a character class). I compared the classes and realized it was just an archetype so that is how it was implemented. None of the Prestige classes are working properly yet. I have some work to do to get those fixed. Once I have time for it I will sit down and work with the data again, I just have more pressing projects to finish up before I can reasonably work with this set of data again.
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Katt De Grey
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Old March 7th, 2012, 03:09 AM
Downloaded some files and tried to instal them in a netbook i've been using and for some reason they dont seem to work.
Running windows 7 starter on that machine.
Its the 4 file package including Eberron cant remember the name of it at the moment. Ahh found it,
PFRPG_ Source s2012.01.22.zi from ShadowChemosh
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance.
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Old March 7th, 2012, 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Katt De Grey View Post
Downloaded some files and tried to instal them in a netbook i've been using and for some reason they dont seem to work.
Running windows 7 starter on that machine.
Its the 4 file package including Eberron cant remember the name of it at the moment. Ahh found it,
PFRPG_ Source s2012.01.22.zi from ShadowChemosh
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance.
First you have to unzip the contained files. Then put them into the program data folder pathfinder. Once you've done that configure your hero options by check marking the sources you want, ie: Eberron.

The options should appear in the selection drop lists of the feats, skills ETC.

Dormio Forte Somnio

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Old March 7th, 2012, 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Katt De Grey View Post
PFRPG_Sources2012.01.22.zip from ShadowChemosh
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance.
Just to be clear here the above file does NOT HAVE THINGS IN IT. It is sources only it does not contain any feats, spells, class, anything at all that a player is going to use.

It is there for EDITOR's to use to Source mark there creations, from the editor, to the same Source. So after you load this don't expect to have Eberron classes and stuff. All you will get is a bunch of new sources you can check mark in "Configure Your Hero" but doing so will do nothing.

You need .user files or .hl import files to actually get new feats, spells, etc....

For Eberron check out cheeseweasel.net.

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Old March 8th, 2012, 02:48 AM
Well now that explains so so very much. I Thank you all for the help.
I had but the Eberron file on my one computer and for the life of me couldnt get the files to work on the new one.
Now I know why.
Thank You Again for the help and all your work on this.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 11:11 AM
Hello All,

New Updates.

Latest Updates May 24, 2012

New PFRPG_Adjustments.user 5/24/2012. by ShadowChemosh. New adjustments file that holds many useful adjustments for both players and DMs. This is in the zMisc folder. This .user file adds all the following with the latest updates in blue.
  • Added Betsuni's "Weapon CMB" weapon adjustment that adjusts HL's global values based on the weapon you equip. This is useful when using HL software at the game table. So you activate the adjustment and then when you equip a Flail HL will show the +2 bonus you have on CMB Disarm manuevers.
  • Added new "Weapon Bonus" that gives a bonus to both attack and damage at the same time. No more need for two seperate adjustments.
  • Added new "Character Sheet: DM" adjustment that causes everything on your character to print to your character sheet. This includes racial specials that don't normally print to your sheet. This is very useful when sending a pdf of your character to a DM who does not have Hero Lab. Abilities that provide static bonsus to skills in example don't print to a character sheet. Making it very hard for a DM to figure out what is going on.
  • Added new "Weapon: Custom Text" adjustment so you that whatever you type into the (Source) box gets displayed next to your weapon in HL or on a printed character sheet. For all those looking for Flurry of Blows this is a nice comprise for now as you can type in your FoB values yourself to remind you during the game.
  • Added new "Weapon: Bane Dmg" adjustment so that you can correctly apply the Bane weapon property bonus to a weapon and have it remind you of the +2d6 damage.
  • Added new "Weapon: Vicious Dmg" adjustment so that you can dislay the +2d6, 1d6 to self damage next to your vicious weapon.
  • You can now add any of the following natural attacks to any creature/race/character. Once added you can easily adjust what the name of the natural attack is and you can up or down the die size. The natural weapons added are: Bite, Claw, Gore, Slam, Sting, Tail Slap, Talons, and Wing.
  • The Grab special attack is added as an adjustment now. Once added the Grab racial ability will display on the character. You then select the attack this is associated to and the wording " (plus grab)" shows next to the natural attack to remind you.
  • Poison Attacks added. You select the type of poison ie (Natural Weapon: Poison, CON) would add a CON damaging poison. Then you select the natural weapon the poison is associated to so that the wording " (plus CON poison)" displays next to the natural attack. Then use the counter to set the die size (ie 1d4, 1d6), the (source) section lets you set the number of additional saves required. Finally the duration section lets you set the number of rounds the poison lasts for with 1 round as the default.
  • Saving Throw for each specific bonus type (ie Alchemical, Circumstance, Enhancement, Insight, Luck, Morale, Profane, Resistance, Sacred and Trait). These will NOT stack with a similar type of bonus. I needed this for my own games so my players could do quick adjusts by bonus type.
  • Armor Class adjustments for the following: Armor, Deflection, Dodge, Natural, Shield, and Touch.
  • Damage Reduction adjustment that lets you either remove DR, change DR to a different type (ie from Slashing to Evil) or adjust the DR value to what ever you wish. You can also use this adjustment to REMOVE the DR of a creature. The Damage Reductions included are: -, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Evil, Good, Magic, Piercing, Silver, and Slashing.
  • Weapon CMB/CMD adjustments. These adjustments let you add additional information to your weapons. For example lets say you have a weapon that gives a +2 CMB when doing trip. You would select the "Weapon Trip: CMB" adjustment, select your weapon, and set the counter to +2. The wording of "Trip-CMB+" will appear next to your weapon with your current Trip CMB value including the +2 from the adjustment. So if your character currently has a +10 to trip it would read "Trip-CMB+12" next to your weapon. The adjustments are the following: Weapon Trip: CMB, Weapon Trip: CMD, Weapon Disarm: CMB, Weapon Disarm: CMD, Weapon Sunder: CMB, Weapon Sunder: CMD, Weapon: CMB, Weapon: CMD.
  • Weapon elemental damage. These adjustments let you add the wording of +1d6 next to a weapon. The ones included are for: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
  • Weapon Crit Multiplier - Lets you set the critical multiplier of a weapon from x2 to x4.
  • Weapon Crit Range - Lets you set the critical threat range of a weapon from 10 to 20. You use the counter to set the range so a counter value of 1 would give the weapon a 19-20 crit range. A value of 2 gives it a 18-20 crit range and so on.
Download PFRPG_Adjustments.user at d20pfsrd in the zMisc folder at the very bottom.

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Old May 24th, 2012, 11:15 AM
Hello All,

New Updates.

Latest Updates May 24, 2012

New PFRPG_ShadowChemosh - Remove Common From Int Weapons.user 5/24/2012. by ShadowChemosh.
This addon adds a new Int Weapon power that allows for removing the Commong Language. Warning - This addon replaces Common language for all things. So removing this addon later can cause some issues when opening up character files(.por).

Download at d20pfsrd in the zMisc folder at the very bottom.

Hero Lab Resources:
Pathfinder - d20pfsrd and Pathfinder Pack Setup
3.5 D&D (d20) - Community Server Setup
5E D&D - Community Server Setup
Hero Lab Help - Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
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- Realm Works kickstarter backer (Alpha Wolf) and Beta tester.
- d20 HL package volunteer editor.
ShadowChemosh is offline   #247
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Old May 25th, 2012, 11:35 PM
Pathfinder Society files now available on the Hero Lab Community Repository on d20pfsrd.com

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Pregenerated, for Pathfinder Society 4.1 Play:
Pathfinder Ultimate Combat Pregenerated, for Pathfinder Society 4.1 Play:
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 09:53 PM
Hello All,

New Updates.

Latest Updates August 23, 2012

Changed PFRPG_Wayfinder_01.user 8/23/2012 - Risner changed a trait in the community Wayfinder (Dawnflower Initiate) to not stack with Sacred Conduit (from APG traits) since it shouldn't. Noticed all items were tagged against Wayfinder and Legacy of Fire, but I don't think this should have been true. So I removed all the Legacy of Fire tags. Updated all the traits that give skill bonuses to be "Trait" bonuses so they don't stack with similar traits.

Download at d20pfsrd in the Paizo Fans United folder.

Hero Lab Resources:
Pathfinder - d20pfsrd and Pathfinder Pack Setup
3.5 D&D (d20) - Community Server Setup
5E D&D - Community Server Setup
Hero Lab Help - Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
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- Realm Works kickstarter backer (Alpha Wolf) and Beta tester.
- d20 HL package volunteer editor.
ShadowChemosh is offline   #249
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Old August 26th, 2012, 12:30 PM
Hello All,

New Updates.

Latest Updates August 26, 2012

New PFRPG_Adjustments.user 8/26/2012. by ShadowChemosh. New adjustments file that holds many useful adjustments for both players and DMs. This is in the zMisc folder. This .user file adds all the following with the latest updates in blue.
  • Added "Weapon Flurry: Melee Attack Bonus" and "Weapon Flurry: Ranged Attack Bonus" adjustments which allow adjusting the new "Flurry" values that HL added in Pathfinder v6.20.
  • Added "Natural Weapon: Size" adjustment that increases or decreases the die size of a natural weapon.
  • Added "Caster Level" adjustment to just change the caster level of a single class.
  • Added Betsuni's "Weapon CMB" weapon adjustment that adjusts HL's global values based on the weapon you equip. This is useful when using HL software at the game table. So you activate the adjustment and then when you equip a Flail HL will show the +2 bonus you have on CMB Disarm manuevers.
  • Added new "Weapon Bonus" that gives a bonus to both attack and damage at the same time. No more need for two separate adjustments.
  • Added new "Character Sheet: DM" adjustment that causes everything on your character to print to your character sheet. This includes racial specials that don't normally print to your sheet. This is very useful when sending a pdf of your character to a DM who does not have Hero Lab. Abilities that provide static bonus to skills in example don't print to a character sheet. Making it very hard for a DM to figure out what is going on.
  • Added new "Weapon: Custom Text" adjustment so you that whatever you type into the (Source) box gets displayed next to your weapon in HL or on a printed character sheet. For all those looking for Flurry of Blows this is a nice comprise for now as you can type in your FoB values yourself to remind you during the game.
  • Added new "Weapon: Bane Dmg" adjustment so that you can correctly apply the Bane weapon property bonus to a weapon and have it remind you of the +2d6 damage.
  • Added new "Weapon: Vicious Dmg" adjustment so that you can display the +2d6, 1d6 to self damage next to your vicious weapon.
  • You can now add any of the following natural attacks to any creature/race/character. Once added you can easily adjust what the name of the natural attack is and you can up or down the die size. The natural weapons added are: Bite, Claw, Gore, Slam, Sting, Tail Slap, Talons, and Wing.
  • The Grab special attack is added as an adjustment now. Once added the Grab racial ability will display on the character. You then select the attack this is associated to and the wording " (plus grab)" shows next to the natural attack to remind you.
  • Poison Attacks added. You select the type of poison ie (Natural Weapon: Poison, CON) would add a CON damaging poison. Then you select the natural weapon the poison is associated to so that the wording " (plus CON poison)" displays next to the natural attack. Then use the counter to set the die size (ie 1d4, 1d6), the (source) section lets you set the number of additional saves required. Finally the duration section lets you set the number of rounds the poison lasts for with 1 round as the default.
  • Saving Throw for each specific bonus type (ie Alchemical, Circumstance, Enhancement, Insight, Luck, Morale, Profane, Resistance, Sacred and Trait). These will NOT stack with a similar type of bonus. I needed this for my own games so my players could do quick adjusts by bonus type.
  • Armor Class adjustments for the following: Armor, Deflection, Dodge, Natural, Shield, and Touch.
  • Damage Reduction adjustment that lets you either remove DR, change DR to a different type (ie from Slashing to Evil) or adjust the DR value to what ever you wish. You can also use this adjustment to REMOVE the DR of a creature. The Damage Reductions included are: -, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Evil, Good, Magic, Piercing, Silver, and Slashing.
  • Weapon CMB/CMD adjustments. These adjustments let you add additional information to your weapons. For example lets say you have a weapon that gives a +2 CMB when doing trip. You would select the "Weapon Trip: CMB" adjustment, select your weapon, and set the counter to +2. The wording of "Trip-CMB+" will appear next to your weapon with your current Trip CMB value including the +2 from the adjustment. So if your character currently has a +10 to trip it would read "Trip-CMB+12" next to your weapon. The adjustments are the following: Weapon Trip: CMB, Weapon Trip: CMD, Weapon Disarm: CMB, Weapon Disarm: CMD, Weapon Sunder: CMB, Weapon Sunder: CMD, Weapon: CMB, Weapon: CMD.
  • Weapon elemental damage. These adjustments let you add the wording of +1d6 next to a weapon. The ones included are for: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
  • Weapon Crit Multiplier - Lets you set the critical multiplier of a weapon from x2 to x4.
  • Weapon Crit Range - Lets you set the critical threat range of a weapon from 10 to 20. You use the counter to set the range so a counter value of 1 would give the weapon a 19-20 crit range. A value of 2 gives it a 18-20 crit range and so on.
Download PFRPG_Adjustments.user at d20pfsrd in the zMisc folder at the very bottom.

Hero Lab Resources:
Pathfinder - d20pfsrd and Pathfinder Pack Setup
3.5 D&D (d20) - Community Server Setup
5E D&D - Community Server Setup
Hero Lab Help - Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
Created by the community for the community
- Realm Works kickstarter backer (Alpha Wolf) and Beta tester.
- d20 HL package volunteer editor.
ShadowChemosh is offline   #250
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