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Old October 27th, 2010, 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
For the haste/bear's endurance bug, could you give me more detail about exactly what's happening?
I can actually explain that one as I fixed a whole bunch of characters sheets last night do to this issue.

The pf_Adjustments.user file that is on d20pfsrd and cheifweasels site has the same Thing Unique id for Bear and Haste spells that use to be conditions. It seems the Pick element for those Things is stored in the portfolio file. So when you load up the character built in v4.8 that had that .user file HL now adds those spells as none removable Things in the new spell tab. This seems to even be the case after one removes the .user file.

What I had to do was go into the portfolio character files directly and remove all the old SPELL CONDITIONS and then save it and then have HL reopen the file.

Then the stuff went away. I was going to make a post about this specifically, but never got around to it yet as I spent awhile finding an fixing this for my players last night.

If you want I can send you a 1st level rogue character that still does this. Or at least I am pretty sure it still does and I can check when I get home tonight.

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