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Old August 18th, 2018, 01:15 PM
Well I guess I spoke too soon. It was actually SUPER easy to backward engineer this.

So here is the XML you need:
  <thing id="uXXX" name="+1 XXXX" compset="LevelBonus">
    <tag group="explicit" tag="35"/>
    <eval phase="PreAttr" priority="1000"><![CDATA[
      hero.childfound[aSTR].field[aStartMod].value += 1
This adds a new option that increases strength. You need to change the aSTR to the ID of your attribute score. In addition change the XXX stuff I used to make this to something that matches your attribute score.

The Explicit.35 tag controls where this is displayed in the list. For now I have it set to 35 which is 5 higher than Cha which is set to 30 and Str is set to 5.

Hope that helps...

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Last edited by ShadowChemosh; August 20th, 2018 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Fixed the captilzed Explicit tag to help future readers...
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