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Old August 29th, 2015, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Chemlak View Post
I was listening to one of the Know Direction Con seminar recordings a week or so back, and there was mention by Paizo staff about Hero Lab (of course) and something about talking to LWD about Realm Works. It wasn't anything definitive (at all), but it was a sort of off-hand comment which kind of implied something perhaps being closer to a firm agreement than anything we've heard so far. Unfortunately, I forget which seminar it was, so I can't currently point you to it. Might be able to find it later.
There was mention at Gen Con from Lisa Stevens about HL and RW. The HL mention was that Paizo is now using it in-house to generate statblocks for monsters. I recently saw James Jacobs post a lich statblock and it was without a doubt generated by HL. This a big step forward if they trust the software this much then they have respect for LW.

The mention about RW was that it was a possible upcoming license if the "details" could be worked out. My take is that they like the idea and Paizo sees LW as a major player in the market. Those are all good things. Now its just can LW keep the protection/copy-right stuff in a position to keep Paizo happy and LW's own customers. I personally feel that if anyone can its Rob and company.

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