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Old August 27th, 2015, 09:32 AM
To get an idea I run RW on a Dell XPS M1530 laptop. That link gives you the full specs but she is a dual core 2.6GHz (remember those old processors). It was cutting edge back 8-9 years ago.

I run RW with little to no slow downs actually including doing the player view to a 30 inch monitor. Initial startup is slow, especially if I left allot of tabs open, but its "good" at moving around. My main computer that do all the data entry on is a Core i7 gaming rig so I can tell the difference between a fast machine and a slow one.

Hopefully that gives you an idea of what can run RW. Its not "fast" by any stretch but it works. I would have to say any laptop running a Core i5 processor will handle RW without any issues at all. Which is what even cheap laptops run.

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