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WoD Rules Included?


So, I'm running a pure WoD campaign with a smattering of HtV, Changeling, VtR, etc...

The premise of the game is like the TV series Supernatural. So, none of the characters will be Vampires and so on. There are about 20 WoD books with various merits, skills, and equipment (e.g. Inferno).

Will I be able to use this system to support such a campaign? I'm using it for MnM and it works GREAT! But I'm just worried that it is focused solely on VtR and not much use for a basic WoD campaign. Can I add merits, skills, etc..?

Thanks in advance,

The WoD data files provide full support for creating mortals, ghosts, animals, ghouls, and vampires. Since most folks play Vampires, the data files include them as a matter of course. However, there is no need to use it solely for vampires.

While I haven't examined all of the WoD supplements that are available, I have seen most of them. All of the content from those books can be readily integrated into the data files. The integrated Editor makes it easy to add most of that content, so you can identify the merits, skills, equipment, and what-not that you want to allow in your game, then add them. Any content you add is stored in a separate file, so you can then give those files to your players and they can just drop them into place. The WoD stuff works just like M&M in this regard - although the specifics are different as appropriate to the game system.

If you run into an issue trying to add something, just post it here and we'll do our best to help find a solution.