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What happens to 5e content I create with editor if full license released?


Well-known member
So, let's say something is missing from the SRD that I want, so I create what I want for my own personal use. Then, in the future WoTC licenses the full content to LWD and I buy and install that.

1. Will there be conflicts if two things have the same name? (I assume not, that there will be some special naming convention of the files underlying the pieces of data. But they may be duplicate options and it may be difficult to know which YOU created and with are the official WoTC items).

2. Will I be able to differentiate between custom content and WoTC content? I'm thinking I should add "-CC" to the name of every piece of custom content I create, or some other similar tag to make it obvious what items are my creations, should they have the same names as future, officially-released content.

3. Is there any risk of my custom content being overwritten?
Aaaaaaand...I just read the section on unique ids for things in the HL editor tutorial. I think that answers my questions.
Will you believe that in tutorial 3 I was originally going to make a class based on CE Mimes, but that was rejected as "too silly"? I agonized over the rewrite, so y'all get a Monty Python reference instead.
I am creating 2 data files currently. The first I named soe_5e_official. It will contain any and all official material I created. The 2nd is soe_5e_master. This will be my master file for my homebrewed material. I am debating either creating a 3rd file for homebrewed material I use that I find on the Internet. It's that or I add that material to my master file.