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What changes/enhancements would you like to see?

I'll second that (actually, that was me logged into the wrong account). Just wanted to get on the right account and post as me, other one was from an old email.
Would it be possible to get a tag for Hindrances that would not give any Hindrance Points? Something that works like Helper.FreeEdge does for Edges?
Can we extend the size of the vhLoadout field to say 400? Several of the vehicles and power armor for Savage Rifts need 300-350 characters for their loadout summaries.
Just a thought regarding the second edition companions, especially the upcoming Fantasy version for SWADE. Could we get a few extra options for the companion book under the Configure Hero menu. Something like this:

☐ Fantasy Companion
☐ Fantasy Companion - Ancestries
☐ Fantasy Companion - Arcane Backgrounds

If the Arcane Background box is left unchecked, we don't see any of them in our Edge menu as well as any Edges related to the said arcane backgrounds.

I just find sometimes I just want to use the gear, etc. and not the ancestries and all of the new Arcane Background options (there are a lot in the SWADE Fantasy Companion!). Yes we could just preclude everything we don't want to use but it so much work to do this time and again for various settings, homebrew, etc. A better breakdown of load options in the Configure Menu would just be so much nicer :)
Question 1:

Question regarding future of item modifications, magic items, etc. In Deluxe if you wanted to “work” with magic items you had to load the Fantasy Companion then preclude ALL the stuff you might not want to use. If you loaded the Sci-Fi Companion, you could get the options to modify vehicles, cyberware, starships, etc. And again, you need to preclude ALL the stuff you might not want to use.

So now we have Savage Pathfinder and the second edition Fantasy Companion (SciFi Companion as well). Savage Pathfinder is stand alone but has magic items and customized features for gear (mithril, adamantine, etc.), similar to what we find in the Fantasy Companion. Does that now mean we can have those features unlocked from the Fantasy Companion and something we can use for any other setting?: Homebrew or published?

And I have the same question regarding the upcoming SciFi Companion. Will we have that functionality outside of loading the companion? You can customize melee weapons (chain blade, energy, molecular, etc.). So instead of the GM making new versions of every piece of equipment, armour, or weapon, the player could purchase the base item and simply add the upgrades themselves? Calculate new price, etc.

Question 2:

It would be nice to use portions from Companions rather than the whole thing and preclude what you don’t want. In Deluxe SciFi Companion you can check to Show Cyberware, Robots, and Ultra Tech. How about we get those options in the new Companions to Show Ancestries? Show Arcane Backgrounds? This would allow users to load more specific portions they want to use or not use for their games.
Well, I'm setting up a separate Standard tag for all of the new Sci Fi companion stuff, so you can block those separately. Pathfinder will be separate from SWADE Fantasy, each has their own support for the new materials. I know they re-used a lot of stuff, but they will work separately.

With the custom weapons, they've gone both ways. There are pre-built weapons with the new mods, and there will still be a system where the players can customize them.