Question 1:
Question regarding future of item modifications, magic items, etc. In Deluxe if you wanted to “work” with magic items you had to load the Fantasy Companion then preclude ALL the stuff you might not want to use. If you loaded the Sci-Fi Companion, you could get the options to modify vehicles, cyberware, starships, etc. And again, you need to preclude ALL the stuff you might not want to use.
So now we have Savage Pathfinder and the second edition Fantasy Companion (SciFi Companion as well). Savage Pathfinder is stand alone but has magic items and customized features for gear (mithril, adamantine, etc.), similar to what we find in the Fantasy Companion. Does that now mean we can have those features unlocked from the Fantasy Companion and something we can use for any other setting?: Homebrew or published?
And I have the same question regarding the upcoming SciFi Companion. Will we have that functionality outside of loading the companion? You can customize melee weapons (chain blade, energy, molecular, etc.). So instead of the GM making new versions of every piece of equipment, armour, or weapon, the player could purchase the base item and simply add the upgrades themselves? Calculate new price, etc.
Question 2:
It would be nice to use portions from Companions rather than the whole thing and preclude what you don’t want. In Deluxe SciFi Companion you can check to Show Cyberware, Robots, and Ultra Tech. How about we get those options in the new Companions to Show Ancestries? Show Arcane Backgrounds? This would allow users to load more specific portions they want to use or not use for their games.