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Welcome to the Battlefleet Gothic data file support forum.


Well-known member
I'll be using this site to collect all bug reports for the Army Builder datafiles for BFG, and to keep everyone interested updated in the status of the files.

As far as the AB 3.x files go, I'm still in the middle of a considerable rewrite. As I work on the 40k datafiles, I learn all sorts of nifty new ways to do things, so I have been optimizing the way the BFG files work, as rules wise it is far simpler in nature.

I'm considering setting up a little list for people that would like to "beta" test the files as I complete some of them. Anyone interested can drop me a pm.

For those interested in Beta testing, I have some new stuff to rate and review. You can help shape the future of the data files! Just drop me a PM!
I'm up for it...I can certainly keep an eye on the Eldar, DE and Tau easily enough...Also I have friends playing Chaos, IN and Necrons...
I don't see it. When using the Kor'or'vesh ruleset, simply allow reserves and it 'should' allow access to all the standard tau fleet vessels as well. If it's still occurring, let me know how to recreate the error and i'll get it sorted for the next update for you.
I don't see it. When using the Kor'or'vesh ruleset, simply allow reserves and it 'should' allow access to all the standard tau fleet vessels as well. If it's still occurring, let me know how to recreate the error and i'll get it sorted for the next update for you.

to swap between fleets, you have to go to "change rules" and swap the fleet. This thows the "rules flag". If there are ships from each fleet, it thows this error.
The Ork normal and armageddon fleets have incorrect point costs for most of the escorts. Everything but the brute is set at 40pts, where in the list PDF from GW they are different (onslaught 45 savage 40 ravager 35).
Hmm. Hadn't noticed that one. I know I updated them when the new bbb came out. i'm going to check what's happened there. Release 3 will be uploaded in the next day or so for ab3.2, i'll get those updates into the next version.
Well the PDF of the rulebook has 40 listed for each in their description, but then in the fleet list in both books they're 45/40/35. I didn't notice any other cost errors in the Ork fleet, although being able to purchase Boarding Torpedoes should require that the ship has Torpedo tubes first. No biggie but a possible validation problem.

If I've got the time I'll poke around in ABCreator and see if I can give you an updated Ork fleet, but I don't have the Sqwadron rules so I'm not sure how much use that would be.
With the new BBB, only parts of it were updated. The actual ship listings, where it gives a description of the ships are correct. The army lists are not.

I'll have the points updated later this week and online.
Hi guys,

My name is Maverick and I am the Project Director of the Battlefleet Gothic Project currently developing BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC: CHRONICLES - a new supplement for Battlefleet Gothic set for release in 2010 in English, French, German and Spanish editions.
Please visit our site: Battlefleet Gothic Project
The supplement wass featured in the recent edition of Warp Rift ezine so please take the opportunity to read it: Warp Rift 25

I believe that our projects can be mutually benefitial.
When our supplement is launched in late 2010, we are anticipating that it will reach many thousands of fans world-wide.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks guys.
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I downloaded the new file for Battlefleet gothic for version 3.2 and
now when I go to load it I get a pop up that tells me
Syntax error in 'qualify' tag expression for Profile 'btcrs'
->Tag 'group.btlcrs' not defined.
Please help
Armybuilder v3.2 is designed to catch some errors that were not caught by 3.1. So, the BFG files were considered valid in 3.1 but have not been updated for 3.2 to clean up those errors.

Open a game system other than BFG, go to the develop menu, and uncheck "Enable Data File Debugging" - without that, it won't give you debugging messages like this one. If you are working on your own files, you'll have to remember to turn the tools back on when you need them.
Sorry to double post so soon, but I found something else.
The Necron list currently, and correctly, limits a player to 6 scythes, 6 tombships, and 3 shrouds. However, it should also limit the player the 12 dirges and 12 jackals.