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Virtual Table tops


Well-known member
is anyone here using a virtual table top and hero lab combo or any virtual table top.

I am looking to check them out again at Gen Con and see if part of gaming group that is now in different states, would like to use it.

thanks for the advice.
I used to play with a VTT a few years back, but not with HeroLabs.
Had a pathfinder campaign using matpools (though I'd use Roll20 now I think). However one of my more ADD players kept surfing the web.

We switched to a battlemat and tokens - I do like the tokens, though with a VTT you can make some pretty nice custom tokens. My players are split on using a VTT. One really likes, one really hates, the rest don't care.
HL would really be independent of and VTT you use. I am playing around with Epic Table, which is a very easy program to use. I know that HL has some integration with D20Pro.