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SR 5th ed. Version 2.12 of the Shadowrun 5 files for Hero Lab is now available


Staff member
The Forbidden Arcana sourcebook is now available in Hero Lab, adding advanced magic options including qualities, traditions, mentor spirits, spells, and much more. This is available as a new package, and can be purchased here: Forbidden Arcana

Here's the change list for this update:
New Releases!

  • Content from Forbidden Arcana is now available as a new package! You can purchase this by choosing "Purchase Data Package" from the License menu.
Bug Fixes

  • -
Data File Authoring

  • Added a new type of ability - Tradition Powers, which are displayed on the Magic tab below the tradition. This can be used to implement game effects that come from selecting a particular tradition.
  • Added a new tag group for Qualities - QualSubCat (Quality Sub-Category). This is used for the two new types of qualities in Forbidden Arcana - the Mastery Qualities and Blood Crystal Qualities, and all existing Way qualities now use the new QualSubCat.AdeptWay quality instead of Helper.WayQuality (although the Helper.WayQuality on user-created qualities will still function).
  • Normally, the drain of a spell cannot be reduced below 2. This minimum is no longer hard-coded, but is now stored in herofield[acDrainMin].value, so that it can be altered by abilities (for example, by the Structured Spellcasting metamagic).
  • Added the #hastradition[Id] macro, which can be used to implement prereqs that require the presence of a specific magical tradition.
  • Added the #hasstyle[Id] macro, which can be used to implement prereqs that require the presence of a specific martial arts style.
  • Added the #hastechnique[Id] macro, which can be used to implement prereqs that require the presence of a specific martial arts technique.
I apologize that it's been so long since the last significant Shadowrun 5 release, and that I did not get a chance to catch up on my bugfix to-do list for this release. I'm hoping to catch up on bug fixes, get caught up on the errata and updated printings of several books, and release Book of the Lost, Complete Trog and Dark Terrors in the near future.
will you address the linguistics, jack of all trades and linguist bugs that i reported about 18 months ago?

that would be nice.


I apologize that it's been so long since the last significant Shadowrun 5 release, and that I did not get a chance to catch up on my bugfix to-do list for this release.
I'm really happy to see this released, but after poking around, has the Mentor's Mask option been implemented or is it just buried somewhere I can't find?
bug in romani and mastery qualities

choose aspected sorcerer

bug reported: choose romani tradition (confers 1 x 5 karma mastery quality for free).

choose dedicated spellslinger (costs 5 karma for aspected mages).

the dedicated spellslinger should be free for those of the Romani tradition who are aspected mages. it is not. the discount is not getting applied in this instance.

bug reported
I'd like to remind everyone that there's a stickied thread named "Shadowrun Bug Reports" in this forum, and we'd really appreciate it if everyone would please not post bug reports in forum threads. Please send them to our bug tracker.
I apologize that it's been so long since the last significant Shadowrun 5 release, and that I did not get a chance to catch up on my bugfix to-do list for this release. I'm hoping to catch up on bug fixes, get caught up on the errata and updated printings of several books, and release Book of the Lost, Complete Trog and Dark Terrors in the near future.

An errata update (particularly for Technomancers) would be a huge deal to me as a long-time customer of Hero Lab (>$500 in and counting so far)
Any update on Dark Terrors? Especially Echo Binding? Asking for a friend... totally not as a GM for something to use against my player. Yup. Totally not.