Today's update includes the heightened integration of the Vault with character content that I'd mentioned a couple times in other threads. If you have access to the Vault for a particular book, the descriptions of most things from that book will now be drawn from the Vault data, meaning they'll include all the reference links that the Vault does. We've also done a fair bit of overhaul to improve descriptions in general, so that things that don't have Vault data will use the nicer presentation format that the Vault does, as well as utilizing features it added to present additional information as links rather than as a bunch of extra description text. Example being if something adds a spell, instead of the description tacking on that spell's info, the spell's name will now appear in a list of references at the bottom which can be clicked to open a popover with the full info of that spell (which will also use the Vault data for that spell if applicable, even if the source thing does not have Vault data).
We've done a lot of testing on this, but as always, if you run into anything weird be sure to send us a bug report so we can take a look. Hope you all enjoy the new utility and nicer presentation as I have been!
We've done a lot of testing on this, but as always, if you run into anything weird be sure to send us a bug report so we can take a look. Hope you all enjoy the new utility and nicer presentation as I have been!