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Variable icons


Well-known member
For some topics, especially when using the Nested Hierarchy view, the icon is a valuable visual cue to the subject. For some things, there would be less need to create a new sub-topic if the displayed icon could be varied. For example, there are types of Locations that would be useful to differentiate for easy reference: Battlefields, Adventure Sites, Terrain Features, and more. These don't always need to be new Categories, necessarily, and visually distinguishing them could be enough in some cases -- which different icons could do.

In a discussion about Smart Images, the idea of making the pins look like the icon seemed to go over well. This would mesh nicely with that, as the pins would be visually differentiated on maps.
+1, I would really appreciate different icons for a topic based on tags.

I created custom sub-categories of geographical region to describe forests, mountains, and aquatic bodies simply so i could use a different icon. If the icon would vary based on tag or some simple selection I wouldn't need so many new categories.

Is there any way to add custom icons as well?
+1 as well. I find the current icons somewhat limiting. Even as an addon that I have to pay for (to give incentive to do this) I'd love it. The best option of course would be to have a way to open source the icons so that they can be imported by the users on demand.
Yes, we need a way to add icons! This also has to be user friendly and a native feature of RW not a HACK or programming needed. +1
But the icon too would need visibility control. As the DM, you might want your location pen to show a headstone symbol since you know a crypt is there, but the players, in the map that they received believe that the location is a floating garden (okay, you get the idea)
But the icon too would need visibility control. As the DM, you might want your location pen to show a headstone symbol since you know a crypt is there, but the players, in the map that they received believe that the location is a floating garden (okay, you get the idea)

More recently, I have come to think visibility control is not needed at the Icon level. For example, if there are multiple "roles" for a Location (such as, as a landmark and as a place where an adventure takes place), I will create separate Topics for each role. The mundane one (Landmark) may be readily revealed to players while preserving the "secrecy" of the other(s).
+1, I would really appreciate different icons for a topic based on tags.

I created custom sub-categories of geographical region to describe forests, mountains, and aquatic bodies simply so i could use a different icon.

Me, too.

+1 for more icons to chose from.
Funny I did a search and found nothing, guess my Search Fu is weak.

It is 3 years old. I only knew because I created it. It has] come up more often in the context of requests for the map pins to show the type of Topic visually, where I keep mentioning this :).
Custom icons would be nice, but pretty low on my priority list. If they did add this functionality, however, it would be nice if you could sell icon packs in the Content Market. I could see their being rule- or setting-specific icon packs, for example.
Custom icons would be nice, but pretty low on my priority list. If they did add this functionality, however, it would be nice if you could sell icon packs in the Content Market. I could see their being rule- or setting-specific icon packs, for example.

There is already a desire for more icons... being able to customize them even more would increase that demand, I would expect.
It would be nice if it would be possible to add my own icons like it works for images / smartimages and other content to a realm.
A post when last we discussed icons requested the ability to package icons to place on the Market. I wouldn't expect that for December but it may be something that could happen eventually. The advantage of course being that other than the code to implement, there is zero cost to LWD; but the gain for the community is huge.
The issue there would be that everything we have heard so far is about sharing REALMS. Packaging icons may be something that doesn't, and shouldn't, fit into the Content Market. Icon libraries can be a zip file, potentially. A mechanism to load custom icons in RealmWorks would make such sharing possible, without needing to think about how to massage the already complex structures of the Content Market in order to accommodate something pretty thoroughly different from a Realm.
::shrug:: Shared realms could be as small as a single Topic/Article: imagine someone selling/sharing single fleshed-out NPCs or encounters.

Icon additions could be implemented much like the current User Notes: a collection of specialized "Topics/Articles", each of which contains either an icon file snippet or a set of graphic snippets that provide the required sizes and color depths.

(I personally think it's more likely that custom icons would be attached to Category definitions and so to do something like what's being asked for in the original post you'll have to make a bunch of Categories as a workaround.)

In any case, they have to be in your realm somewhere if you want them displayed on the web.