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Update planned for tomorrow


Staff member
Hey all,

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, we're planning a release tomorrow morning at 11 am Pacific time. There's going to be some database maintenance downtime as part of this release, but we're hoping this time it will actually be under an hour. We'll post updates in that thread if we anticipate that changing.

This update will include a significant crop of bugfixes, as well as a few new capabilities we're rolling out in preparation for a future release (when NPC functionality graduates out of Early Access). Look for the complete update notes post once we open things back up tomorrow.
Hey all,

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, we're planning a release tomorrow morning at 11 am Pacific time. There's going to be some database maintenance downtime as part of this release, but we're hoping this time it will actually be under an hour. We'll post updates in that thread if we anticipate that changing.

This update will include a significant crop of bugfixes, as well as a few new capabilities we're rolling out in preparation for a future release (when NPC functionality graduates out of Early Access). Look for the complete update notes post once we open things back up tomorrow.
Any chance a copy option is included in that update?
Any chance a copy option is included in that update?

From the (upcoming) update notes:

  • Adds a "duplicate" menu option to character cards that will create a copy of that character.
    • Note that this will duplicate any followers the character has as well
    • This makes it easy to try out new builds for existing characters without worrying about messing up the originals.
From the (upcoming) update notes:

  • Adds a "duplicate" menu option to character cards that will create a copy of that character.
    • Note that this will duplicate any followers the character has as well
    • This makes it easy to try out new builds for existing characters without worrying about messing up the originals.

This is glorious wonderful news
We're back up, sooner than expected. Take a look at the update notes in the stickied thread.