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I bought the D&D 5e pack, and I noticed a bunch of missing things. I wanted to build a Warlock 6/Sorceror 2 Changeling with a Criminal Background, Great Old One patron/ Wild Blood. I understand not having a changeling race, as it's from Unearthed Arcana, but both Wild Blooded and all patron options aside from The Fiend are missing, as are a TON of spells, such as Ray of Sickness for Sorceror and Phantasmal Force for Warlock. Why is this?
The 5e pack contains only the material that Wizards of the Coast released in their SRD (System Reference Document), which does not cover the entire 5e game. Lone Wolf Development continues to negotiate with WotC for a full license for all official 5e content.
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While I understand what the SRD is and what is happening, I would expect that Mordath5 is not the first or last person who will not understand the importance of what SRD means. :-(
While I understand what the SRD is and what is happening, I would expect that Mordath5 is not the first or last person who will not understand the importance of what SRD means. :-(

Yes, that is likely the case. It's one of the reasons we made sure to explain what the SRD is (and what it means in Hero Lab) in all of our announcements and on the D&D 5th Edition SRD webpage.