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Truble with license


New member
For some reason I cant login with my license and email. I get error when trying to login. And I cant get herolabs working on my second computer. I bought it end of january and have it working om this computer.
Anyone have any experience with anything like this ? I have sent e-mail to support already as well.
Without seeing your particular account, it's likely you're using the same license number on both devices.

If you're using Hero Lab on more than one device, you need to make sure each of your devices is using a different license number. You can activate your free secondary license from the License menu, or you can go to www.lonewolfdevel.com, login with your Hero Lab license, and select “Obtain Secondary License”. You’ll be assigned a new license number, which you can use on your second device to get it up and running.

Once you have a different license number attached to each device you use Hero Lab on, you should stop needing to have to reassign your license every time you update the program.

Hope this helps.