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TobyFox2002 - Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance and Ravenloft Update

Well, its a long time coming, but the new update has finally been added. The next update will include some minor creature fixes for the new Monster Manual Content.

Should you have any issues please dont hesitate to let me know here.
I have the link in my download sources, but when I try to find your update to download, it isn't there. Nothing says Tobyfoxx I know it USED to be there, because I've had the files before.
So, All of the details regarding the links match up. I haven't the faintest idea why the sources are not showing up in the updates section in HL.

I originally thought it was an issue with access permissions, but so far it does not look like that is the case.

I've obviously done something wrong since RavenX's World of Darkness still shows up on updates and that too is part of my source (despite not something I have ever touched). Which means something, but I'm not sure what.
Let the spitballing begin.
Did you alter the filenames or something?

Well, apart from the rename I've given them EVERY update to change the filename to reflect the version of the update. No. However, the display name may have changed, I have both moved phyiscally and have a new computer so I cannot 100% say that the display name of the file is identical to what it was previously.

But I assumed the xml would adept since it points specifically to the URL of the file on dropbox, and the value of that in the xml file matches its location exactly. down to the capitalization. I even added the =1 instead of =0 at the end of the file url.
I know the links in the xml work. I entered the xml address directly on my browser and saw the links to the various files. I just copied them and pasted into the browser to directly download the files and installed them manually.

Maybe not the most efficient method, but a work around until you can figure out the issue.
The files show up properly now.

Now we can get on with the important step, making sure the files load properly for everyone here. Those of you who have used the Monster Manual Conversion stuff from other contributors, may have some duplication problems.

I regret I cannot automatically delete files with an update (not would I want to) I'd probably mess stuff up.
Hey there TobyFox2002 thanks for your work.

However I get the following error messages now that I installed your files :

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: 3.x - PF Convert - Monster Manual Content.user (line 4141) - Thing 'i35GrWound'
(dynamic tag) - Group 'SoPBndWp2' not defined

And according to HL the Ravenloft file is corrupted ):
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Hey there TobyFox2002 thanks for your work.
However I get the following error messages now that I installed your files :

File: 3.x - PF Convert - Monster Manual Content.user (line 4141) - Thing 'i35GrWound'
(dynamic tag) - Group 'SoPBndWp2' not defined

And according to HL the Ravenloft file is corrupted ):

Hrm.. the Tag Group "SoPBndWp2" which was used by Spheres of Power. I am not sure how it got here. But I have corrected it. For the present you can delete the tag from the the weapon power, "Greater Wounding."

I will look into the "Corrupted Ravenloft" File, I'm not sure exactly what that means, because it works for me. I will ask my testing guinea pig (aka, my pathfinder group) to see if what problems they are having.


Okay, I checked the files, re-uploaded them to drop box, both files seem to be working now on my end. I had a typo in the ravenloft filename as listed on the xml file. So, no file was actually being downloaded. Which meant, corrupted file.
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Good work!

Like others, I had a hard time getting the update applied at first. TobyFox2002's corrections, and reposting of his files corrected the base problem however.
To resolve my issues I removed all 3rd party updates, then added them back one at a time. I exited and relaunched Herolab between each, but that very well may have been overkill.
I'm loading/using the Pathfinder Pack, TobyFox2002's 5 offerings, and the D20pfsrd Mythic Playtest update packs. I can attest that they are all loaded and working properly on two devices.

thanks for the update Tobyfox2002!
First things first, I wanted to get out of the way my deepest apology for how abysmally late this update was and to apologize for the disaster that was this update's actual release. First was the year from hell that we all want to forget then when I was finally getting ready to update (when I said it would happen within the week), my computer up and died on me. All my files... gone, hard drive... poof. I had it examined and I found it it was a string of issues and my whole computer was pretty much toast.

I had to wait for a bit to a new one, and in this, I can be thankful for the stimulus check from the c-virus... Without it, I might be still trying to save money.

I got a new computer, managed to pull an old backup of my files and piece together what was missing, thankfully not a great deal.

Now, with that out of the way, I want to say that I may not do many updates for a bit. I am working on a Pathfinder 1e splat book of my own. Running three games trying to get a twitch channel up and running and generally trying to become gainfully employed because apart from being a leach on society I have am quite broke. (No, I am not begging or trying to get attention, just stating a fact--and trying to make light of my own situation).

Therefore, apart from bug fixes, minor edits and the occasional requests I will not be making a whole system update in some time. On the matter of requests, if you have a class, some feats or some spells you'd like added I'd be happy to do so.

Thank you for your understanding, and patience.
Hey, we appreciate all you've done man. Anything you can share about this splatbook you are working on? I've got pretty lenient DMs who allow 3rd party content. Also, what is your twitch channel?
Toby something I might suggest, (and do anyone who has important stuff on their computer) A tool called Veeam has been a life saver for me. It does automatic scheduled backups, and in the event of a PC failure can make recovery a LOT easier. Ive been using the free community edition for a while now and I have 4 computers protected with it.
How do I add things to the current Hero Lab files? I wanted to add some of the homebrew invocations from the 'Giant In the Playground' and the D & D wiki forums to the stuff already available one for the adapted 3.5 Warlock you did.



You will need to use the editor. For new stuff, make a user file and enter the information in that. To add to existing content, you can add to the existing Warlock file, but that would get over-written by any community update, so that's also better off in your own file - especially if it doesn't change anything, but just adds.