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Timing with Masters and Minions


Well-known member

I am having an issue with a script timing and I don't know why.

The total armor field is supposed to calculate the master's armor points.
      <eval index="1" phase="Final" priority="15000" name="Calculate Armor Total"><![CDATA[
        field[armTotal].value = field[armArmor].value + field[armShield].value + field[armType].value + field[armDesc].value
        field[armTotal].value += field[armFocus].value + field[armHelmet].value + field[armMutate].value + field[armVehicle].value
        field[armTotal].value += field[armArtifact].value 


Here's the script giving me the issue:
      <eval index="1" phase="Effects" priority="2000"><![CDATA[
  doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0) 
  doneif (field[abilActive].value = 0)

  ~our rider gets +1 armor 
  if (field[abilActive].value <> 0) then
    hero.master.child[mscArmor].field[armVehicle].value += 1

(I have used the master.child and hero.master.child on the script and it still does the same thing. So I've ruled out the scripting)

When I have the ability active, the script executes but the armor on the master is not picking up the +1, it's reading it as 0. I learned from this from running debug scripts on both abilities. I'm not sure why but the ability script is sending the +1 through, I can see it in the fields of the master, but the master's armor script is not picking it up when it calculates the armor points. In my summary panel info window and field list, however, the armor point is showing up. The total armor script is not adding in.

Did I do something incorrect in my source code or is hero lab giving me a hard time?
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You said you see it in the fields on the master - which specific field values do you see? Does it show up in both armVehicle and armTotal, but then your displays of armTotal don't reflect it? If that's the case, it's a different issue than if armVehicle = 1, but armTotal = 0. In the first case, you're looking at the display elements. In the second case, you're double-checking the script order, and that there's not a hidden -1 in one of those other armor fields.
You said you see it in the fields on the master - which specific field values do you see? Does it show up in both armVehicle and armTotal, but then your displays of armTotal don't reflect it? If that's the case, it's a different issue than if armVehicle = 1, but armTotal = 0. In the first case, you're looking at the display elements. In the second case, you're double-checking the script order, and that there's not a hidden -1 in one of those other armor fields.

I see it in field[armVehicle].value, but field[armTotal].value its not being included in the calculation at all.
I have attached a photo showing it. The script that runs in Final 15000 is supposed to pick it up and add it into the armor total but its not.


  • Bug in Calculation.jpg
    Bug in Calculation.jpg
    133.3 KB · Views: 1
It was not turned on and I did not know about it until you mentioned it. This seems to have fixed the issue. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.