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The forum password lockout's a bit harsh


Well-known member
Hey. Just wanted to stop in after getting a bit frustrated with my password manager autofilling the wrong password a few times. I think I got it sorted out, but I realized that I got locked out in the process.

Now, I'm GUESSING I had around 5 failed tries while trying to log in. Then the lockout period is 24 hours? That's pretty harsh. Respectfully, I ask that you consider bumping the threshold for blocking a bit higher. (...and forgive my still being here - I trust you don't actually mean to keep legitimate users out.) I'd wager that bumping it a bit higher would reduce user problems without noticably affecting those with mal intent.

Thanks! =)
Hi Jack,

Thanks for your feedback. We actually used to have a more liberal threshold, but we ratcheted it down to 5 tries after an epidemic of attempted hacks on forum accounts. :( We used to have a big problem with spam here, and the last thing I want is legitimate accounts being hijacked to post it.

If you find yourself close to the 5-attempt threshold, it's probably a good idea to use the 'forgot password' functionality or (if you're having problems with your password manager) disable it before trying to log in.
Ah, okay. Well, I yield to the voice of experience. ...and I appreciate the response! Oh well, if the policy's what it takes to keep the board usable, it's certainly better than every other post being spam!