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Sustaining Focus Error


New member
I've added a sustaining spell focus to my shaman, bound it, and assigned a force 6 increased reflexes to it. But I have a continual error that says:

"Sustaining Focus: Increased Reflexes: You must choose an option."

Anyone know what this is about? I've selected everything I can (as far as I know) and no matter what I try the error persists.

Thanks in advance for any help.
the focus must be for a specific spell category, i.e. Manipulation.

did you choose one when you made it?
In the add gear section I used the Sustaining Focus, since that's the purpose of the focus I want to create. I'm using it to sustain Increased Reflexes so my initiative dice pool isn't so awful.

Did I do something wrong?
Well, crap... I found the issue.

I had missed the "customize" button when buying a focus, which allows you to select the spell category and such. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it on the once I had created, and I think that's because you can only affect that at creation.

Once I deleted the one I made and started over, scrutinizing every pixel, I saw what I had missed.

This had driven me NUTS and I wouldn't have thought to delete it and start over had you not mentioned assigning the spell type and me not remembering doing that step in the process.

You can also change the character from locked to unlocked and edit the item to correct the error, then lock the character again.