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summeries for metits, etc


Well-known member
a suggestion i would like to see is a summery for the various merits, contracts and etc. printed on a separate sheet like what you've done for the D20 and pathfinder systems.
That will require that we go through an cull out an appropriate summary, which is time-consuming but doable. The real gotcha is that all those summaries would then need to be vetted by White Wolf. That's where it would become an incredibly onerous task, both for them and for us with the countless iterations that would be entailed, and it's the main reason why we haven't done it thus far. With d20 and Pathfinder, the content is OGL, so we don't have to get the publisher to vet the material before release. If there was a way we could do it without having to go through the vetting process, it probably would have already been done by now. :-(