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Suli's Elemental choice


Well-known member
Sorry to bug, quick question if someone has the time...

Could someone show me how to identify the element choice of a Suli's "Elemental Assault" or "Energy strike"? I need to use this in the Eval Rules section of a class...
I guess I should mention that the Fields show that "usrChosen1" is set to the element on the Elemental Assault, and I'm guessing that #hasability[raSulFirSt] is how to see if that's set to the element of choice? (or raSulCldSt or raSulElcSt or raSulAcdSt)
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Sorry for repeat posts, I really am trying to figure this out myself... :P

I know the racial trait is rtElemAssa, but I don't know how to access it to grab the usrChosen1 value. hasability is obviously a 1/0 boolean, so i can't use that as an object... just not sure how to grab the object to run the usrChosen1 on it...
I got everything except the Elemental Assault check working...

if (hero.tagcount[IsRace.rSuliJann] <> 0) then
validif (#hasability[cKinWater] + #hasability[raSulCldSt] = 2)
validif (#hasability[cKinFire] + #hasability[raSulFirSt] = 2)
validif (#hasability[cKinEarth] + #hasability[raSulAcdSt] = 2)
validif (#hasability[cKinAir] + #hasability[raSulElcSt] = 2)

Just need a way to add a check if the Elemental Assault matches the kinetic element now...
I got everything except the Elemental Assault check working...

if (hero.tagcount[IsRace.rSuliJann] <> 0) then
validif (#hasability[cKinWater] + #hasability[raSulCldSt] = 2)
validif (#hasability[cKinFire] + #hasability[raSulFirSt] = 2)
validif (#hasability[cKinEarth] + #hasability[raSulAcdSt] = 2)
validif (#hasability[cKinAir] + #hasability[raSulElcSt] = 2)

Just need a way to add a check if the Elemental Assault matches the kinetic element now...

#hasability checks to see if the ability exists and nothing more. It's basically just a tag check. If you want to know whether something has been selected, you can use something like this:

hero.childfound[idthing].field[usrChosen1].chosen.tagis[tag.value] <> 0