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[Suggestion] Fix/Nix discipline pre-reqs for ooc disciplines

Although not easily, it is possible for a vampire to learn disciplines outside their clans. For example, a Daeva learns Dominate that pays off a life boon she holds over a Ventrue.

If the discipline is added to the character, it produces a pre-req error, even though the character learned it in a legit manner. Of course, this is cosmetic, but the system is already in place to purchase at out-of-clan costs and it seems a bit silly to have a pre-req error also.

This seems a bit pointless. Unfortunately, I don't have an immediate recommendation on how to build a check for this other than removing the pre-req entirely. Alternatively, it can be cloned with this "fix" with a slight name change with (OOC), but that's a tedious task to say the least for the expansive number of disciplines available.
The thinking behind validation errors is that the user is always free to ignore them when they don't apply. There are really three ways in which character creation can be managed for any given RPG:

1. Enforce all the official rules - which fails miserably for the myriad groups who have their own house rules.

2. Enforce none of the rules - which allows the creation of anything and provides no useful help to the user in the 98+% of situations where users want to observe the rules.

3. Enforce only the most fundamental rules and utilize validation errors to flag when a rule is broken. This is what we do with Hero Lab.

Using "Permanent Adjustments", many of the most common exceptions can be handled smoothly (e.g. granting extra dots in merits). However, there is no practical way to handle every possible exception perfectly. In those situations, Hero Lab allows the user to break the normal rules, but the validation error is reported. At that point, the user either needs to ignore the error or use the Editor to create a customized version that eliminates the validation error. Learning a discipline from outside the clan is is one of those situations.