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Star Wars (WOTC) Data

  • Thread starter Thread starter sithlordtlf at yahoo.com
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sithlordtlf at yahoo.com

I have noticed a card missing from the "Attack Of The Clones" set.
Card# 89 Jengo Fett (C). All the card data is the same as the Promo
Card# 5 Jango Fett (C) from the Hasbro Unleashed set witch is
allready in the CardVault inventory.
And I did turn off the Merge Duplicate cards in settings just to make
Other than that. Good Job to every one working on CV.
It's turning out to be the most priceless software I own.
sithlordtlf wrote:

> I have noticed a card missing from the "Attack Of The Clones" set.
> Card# 89 Jengo Fett (C). All the card data is the same as the Promo
> Card# 5 Jango Fett (C) from the Hasbro Unleashed set witch is
> allready in the CardVault inventory.
> And I did turn off the Merge Duplicate cards in settings just to make
> sure.
> Other than that. Good Job to every one working on CV.
> It's turning out to be the most priceless software I own.

It's been corrected. thanks. I must have used cut instead of copy when
adding the promo cards.

Jim Williamson <jim@timewarpcomics.com <mailto:jim@timewarpcomics.com>>
TimeWarp Comics & Games
(973) 857-9788
www.timewarpcomics.com <http://www.timewarpcomics.com>