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Star Wars Miniatures

  • Thread starter Thread starter ensob1 at yahoo.com
  • Start date Start date

ensob1 at yahoo.com


the star wars miniatures file is missing at least 3 figs, i believe
they are all figs that have multiple versions such as the rebel
It's also missing the promo tusken but i know promos usually get
added sepereately. It's also possible that's there no difference
between it and the regular tusken raider but i don't own it so i
couldn't tell you.

on a positive note, i'm loving this program, keep up the good work.


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--- In cardvault@yahoogroups.com, "Chris" <ensob1@y...> wrote:
> hi,
> the star wars miniatures file is missing at least 3 figs, i believe
> they are all figs that have multiple versions such as the rebel
> trooper.

The figs are all there. Under the Settings Menu -> Squad Settings
Uncheck the option "Merge Identical Figures". Since the figures have
the same name as each other, by default CV merges them.

> It's also missing the promo tusken but i know promos usually get
> added sepereately. It's also possible that's there no difference
> between it and the regular tusken raider but i don't own it so i
> couldn't tell you.

as far as I know, the tusken promo is exactly the same one from the
set. I didn't see any distinguishing notations to differentiate it
from the normal one.

> on a positive note, i'm loving this program, keep up the good work.



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Jim said:

> as far as I know, the tusken promo is exactly the same one from the
> set. I didn't see any distinguishing notations to differentiate it
> from the normal one.

Both it and the promo Wookie from GenCon have the promo status noted
on their base. The Promo Tusken Raider has a MUCH nicer paint job.

Jeremy Mueller
Gamers Solution

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--- In cardvault@yahoogroups.com, Jeremy Mueller <century@g...> wrote:
> Jim said:
> > as far as I know, the tusken promo is exactly the same one from the
> > set. I didn't see any distinguishing notations to differentiate it
> > from the normal one.
> Both it and the promo Wookie from GenCon have the promo status noted
> on their base. The Promo Tusken Raider has a MUCH nicer paint job.

ok. I probably saw regular ones then. Could you do me a big favor and
type in all the text on the bottom of each of their bases?


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