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Star Wars D20 (Wizards)


New member
I am trying to build a game system for the WotC Star Wars d20 game. I've spent the last few hours trying to figure out the best way to go about this. I have licenses for both d20 and the Authoring kit.

My first thought was to just copy the d20 game and then make modifications. Th system would be mostly there with a few features that need to be added and essentially data entry on all of the items, force powers, etc. The big issue is that now I have to strip out a lot of data from the core system, and as far as I can tell there is no way to modify the core d20 system without adding hidden tags to everything I want to go away. The issue with that is that I can't seem to find a list of the unique id's for things like races.

So when I hit that road block, I started playing with the Authoring Kit by building the attributes out. The task of building the entire d20 system seems pretty daunting.

I feel kind of stuck. Do you guys have suggestions that doesn't lead to me making a full time job of building this thing?
I have been creating a home brew setting using using first d20 then pathfinder. It has been challenging to say the least. What I would really like would be a bare bones version of either. All of the base material with none of the skills, feats, languages, weapons and armor, or equipment. Then using the editor, I could easily input my own. Barring that, I just have to suppress all the things I don't want. However, when updating this will often give me errors I have to run down and eliminate. Still, the editor was easier for me to get a handle on than trying to start from scratch.
Its not going to help that various D20 incarnations all have slightly different takes on sometimes fundamental things. But I have to agree that a game with as many moving parts as 3e era D20 would be more of a job than I'd take on.
For anyone working on Star Wars d20 or any other d20 variant, feel free to use the preclude file I made. It will give you a start in removing things. Just replace the source in my file with your source.
My First BIG Star Wars d20 Contribution

I'm attaching my Star Wars Revised Core Rulebook d20 user file.
I've been working on this for the past 5 days and it is mostly complete. Important to know is that I can NO idea how to change the UI or such stuff so some of my inclusions have a duct-taped feel to them.

May I suggest Creating a copy of the d20 game system (name it Star Wars or something like Space Squirrels Super Splash Suckage) and then remove all user content from this copy. Then copy my shit into there. Good luck and read below before using.

My plan is to move ahead with implementing everything in the Core book and then to start cherry picking things I want from the other books. I'll gladly accept ANY help in omitting system specific things (like alignment); data entry on the text/abilities/ etc; fixes to my buggy logic; implementation of things I've omitted; and help with making the things I did poorly work right or seem more integrated.

  • All Classes, Races, & Prestige Classes (Well not all I'm still working on them).
  • Most of the Skills & Feats (see below).

Not Included
  • I basically went 3.5 with the literacy rules... I didn't include the read/write and speak language differentiation. It is all in Speak Language.
  • I implemented the 3.5 version of Weapon Finesse that applies to all finessable weapons.
  • Heroic Characteristics - I didn't do any of the age. weight, height, etc... I will later.
  • No Vehicles, Starships, or Droids are here so far.
  • No Equipment at all really.

Known Problems
This list may be large
  • Bonus Class Skill adds the skill to the Character's List of Class Skills, not the Class's. Not sure how to fix this.
  • Instant Mastery doesn't check if intelligence based! my !Helper.HasRanks check is also not working... so this is crap right now.
  • Martial Arts, Improved Ma, and Advanced MA all have problems with the damage die. Working on a Work around.
  • Because I didn't implement equipment then the group proficiency feats don't really function.

Shoe Strings and Bubblegum!!!!!
Here is a list of things I did badly.
  • Implemented Dark Side Points and Dramatic Heroism as Adjustments. Nothing that relies on these does any error checking to see if you've added them to the character (you have to do that manually). Enjoy.
  • Mon Calamari comfort is also implemented as an Adjustment. I think it adds automatically.
  • A whole shit load is in Hidden.
  • For a few feats and skills I implemented hard coded choices when those choices are relevant as prereqs (i.e., Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers)). Sorry.
  • Wound Points and Force Points are both Tracked Resources in the In-Play tab!
  • Wound Points, Force Points, and Reputation Bonus are all bootstrapped to each race.
  • Tags like User.??Pattern, User.StrongDef, and User.Offset? (inserted on Class Levels) are used to calculate Defense bonus and reputation progression (breaks down with prestige classes so I implement scripts in the Class for those). See the logic in the respective Specials.


So bugs abound in what I posted, especially with respect to Jedi classes not getting along with one another. I will be updating this soon
A data file for Saga Edition would be nice to see (harder to find a game for the previous d20 Star Wars than for Saga).
Importing into Herolab

Maybe I misunderstood what this is or the instructions. I opened HL, scrolled down to 3.5 D20 OGL, clicked 'Load Game'.

Then after downloading the .user file listed above i clicked Tools->Explore Folders->Program Data Folder and moved the file into that folder. I closed and reopened HL but didn't see any changes when i reopened 3.5 D20 OGL. I tried to create and level up a new character but don't see anything Star Wars related.
Did you open the Hero Settings (Cntrl-K) and select the Star Wars sources on your new Hero?
I get this error....

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'cvPalSlaug' - Link references thing 'cHelpPal' that has been hidden
Thing 'cvPalTyran' - Link references thing 'cHelpPal' that has been hidden
I get this error....

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'cvPalSlaug' - Link references thing 'cHelpPal' that has been hidden
Thing 'cvPalTyran' - Link references thing 'cHelpPal' that has been hidden

I'm getting the same error message