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Split picture from statblock during HL portfolio import


Well-known member
I just started using HeroLabs in combination with RW (kudos to daplunk for his very helpful videos btw!).

The first thing I am doing right now, is importing some monsters. Single monsters that I use regularly as mechanics articles and groups of monsters as encounters in scenes.

Now one thing I noticed is, that when I import a portfolio, I usually get a picture of the monster alongside the statblock. This is nice of course, but it would be a lot better if I could show this picture to my players. Which I can't right now without revealing the whole portfolio, which of course I don't want.

So my request would be:
Please add an option to save the picture as a seperate picture snippet. Ideally with an "remember my decision" checkbox.
Just add a picture snipped into the Realm Work article and put a copy of the picture in there. Then you can right click and show via the player screen.
Sure, I could do that. But that would require me to do it manually and I'm lazy ;-)

Seriously though, that is what I'm doing right now, but I thought as a picture is already imported with the portfolio it would be great if it automtically be placed in its own snippet. Would make working with the two tools even more seamless.
Ah I do it the other way round. I start in Realm Works and create the monster by the integration option. None of the 5e content has pictures though so it's not an option to pull it from Hero Labs for me anyway.
People who play PF or SW are going to have a slightly different experience with HL and RW integration than 5e users since there is a full license.

So far as I can tell all the art HL uses is straight from, for PF monsters at least, from the Bestiaries. In the short term until those become available for purchase I just grab the art from my PDF's as needed.