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Well-known member
I may be, as ever, missing something obvious, but does HLO have a way of affixing a Spellheart to a specific weapon or armor, or is it just covered by "Move To"?

("Moving" on to an item seems to put it into its talisman slot ok, but it doesn't rules check it. e.g. I can add a Spellheart that can old be added to non-metal armors to chainmail.)
Consider raising the issue as a bug within HLO, or send a message to support. Either should get you an answer if you don't have someone else know how it works here. (Support may not see your message.)
That sounds like a bug in that particular spellheart - that the restrictions on its armor types aren't implemented, but you didn't say which one it is. As Dami said, that's the sort of thing to send in as a bug report so we can get that fixed.

You can add spellhearts directly to the armor, in their talisman table, or buy them as loose gear, then move them into the spellheart (and if you open the armor's customization, you should then see it in the talismans table).
Oh, also, does that spellheart generate an error once it's moved into that armor?

With all the complexity of the restrictions on various talismans/spellhearts, controlling which specific armors a particular spellheart/talisman is allowed to be moved into is a much harder problem than raising an error once they're in that armor, if that's not a legitimate combination.

If that's what's going on, improving that is something we'd like to do, but it's a large project.