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Some issues with the tactical console

Importing existing PCs (non-template)
1) Open new combat with PC
2) Import character from profile (toon should be experienced with some advancements)
3) Get errors about character various stats/skills being over. Mental stats are not shown property and are not displayed on the main stat page (sometimes shows Physical -> Social -> Social, etc)

Bonuses for powers not applied
While in combat, have a character activate Celerity. The bonus shows up in teal on the console entry always as +0 and nothing happens when typing numbers in text box (I assume this is just comment area anyways). The same applies for Vigor, Resilience, merits, etc.

Other Suggestion
Although not specifically stated as such in the rulebook, I would suggest Celerity should add to the character's defense score when activated.

Celerity is subtracted from attack roles. = Defense is subtracted from attack roles.

The only difference is the Celerity bonus is never reduced by multiple attacks, but since HL doesn't keep track of this through combat as it doesn't make much of a difference. May as well just add them together since it makes no difference on the roll.

I've come across some other bugs with trying that I can't recall offhand and I'm in the middle of running my game. ;)
I am having the same issues.

Per the advice in the "Profile" message I created an overall character named after my chronicle. After that I imported all the PC's into the profile so that I can use the tactical console. After it imported a lot of the stats got resorted and changed. One character had 5 dots in Physical stats however after he was imported in his physical stats changed from Primary dots to Secondary. I imported a total of 4 characters and every single character had validation errors. :(

Hope that makes sense.
Oh, I have no clue to your problems, however, I wish they would be solved quickly.
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Importing existing PCs (non-template)
1) Open new combat with PC
2) Import character from profile (toon should be experienced with some advancements)
3) Get errors about character various stats/skills being over. Mental stats are not shown property and are not displayed on the main stat page (sometimes shows Physical -> Social -> Social, etc)

This bug was finally isolated and fixed in the V3.6g update that came out yesterday.
Bonuses for powers not applied
While in combat, have a character activate Celerity. The bonus shows up in teal on the console entry always as +0 and nothing happens when typing numbers in text box (I assume this is just comment area anyways). The same applies for Vigor, Resilience, merits, etc.

This is only a display error. All the underlying behaviors and actual adjustments are working correctly. It will be fixed in the update.