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Small Changeling bug


Active member
I noticed recently that when you pick up the Changeling contract, Separation 4: Elegant Protection, HeroLab automatically adds in the benefit of this contract to your defense. The Contract adds a character's Wyrd to their defense, but only for the turns allotted in a Dexterity + Wyrd roll--2 turns per success. The character I have has Defense 4 base, but when I purchased the contract, it now reflects his defense as 8 due to his Wyrd being 4.

Just thought I'd bring it up. And I'm not ruling out the possibility that it's something I caused on my end...

That's a definite bug. The issue is that the contract level is not marked as requiring activation, so it is always being applied. Until a fix is released, you can quickly correct this yourself with the following steps:

1. Duplicate the contract level in the editor
2. Assign it a proper unique id (e.g. "cMyElegant")
3. Check the "Allow Activation as Ability" box in the list
4. Have your new contract level replace the built-in one by specifying a "Replaces Thing Id" of "cSeparate4"

After making the above changes, you should be able to save the change, test it, and verify that everything now works correctly.