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Site down?

I checked here and the announcement thread but couldn't find anything about downtime. I couldn't access the site; is it down or something? Since I couldn't get in to drop a bug report I wanted to make sure yall knew.
I'm thinking it might be a bit wider than just the HLO server - I'm getting nothing but errors when HL desktop checks for updates/tries to download the WoD game system. Tried disabling my AV/Firewall, gave it time, etc but still no dice.
Based on how often I fix peoples PCs and how often people mess up HLC's license issues. I don't see personal devices running HLC to have any better up time than a dedicated data center. I am pretty sure you will find the data center or HLO to have a greater up time & accessibility actually. :)
Based on how often I fix peoples PCs and how often people mess up HLC's license issues. I don't see personal devices running HLC to have any better up time than a dedicated data center. I am pretty sure you will find the data center or HLO to have a greater up time & accessibility actually. :)

We can hope that HLO is so successful they can have a second data center as a fallback.