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Shared Characters?

Ok, so I host some forums where we play-by-post a number of games, including a StarFinder game. In the StarFinder game I am a player and have my character, Widget. My GM is considering ALSO getting Hero Lab Online, but if he does, I can find no way to "SEND" or "SHARE" my character with him so that he can use Star Finder to run the game without hand updating everything that I have already hand updated.

If both a GM and a Player have Hero Lab Online, is there a way that we can both have access to the character? It would be a pain to have to hand update 5 characters for players who have already hand updated their characters.

Group play is a feature on the roadmap, but I don't think we have a definitive timeline for it.


We have statblock exports set up as part of our next big feature update, which should help in the short term.

When we do start on sharing and copying between accounts, we'll probably have some kind of 'public character sheet' access first (think like an equivalent of Myth-Weavers character sheet viewing), and then user-specific sharing after that.