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Shadowrun 5th Edition Errata


New member
When will the official Errata be input into Herolab character creator? I was making a Shapeshifter character, but the Allergy (Silver, Severe), Dual Natured, Regeneration, and Vulnerability (Silver) traits were not present on the character, but errata for it has been out for over a year.


I have not found other instances of this but all the books have their own errata page from Catalyst Game Labs here:


The games I'm trying to join require me to create my character in either Herolab or Cummer, but the Herolab one is not acuate without all the qualities.
That particular errata is considered "provisional" so it isn't technically official.

You will want to check with your GM to see if they are including the provisional errata for shapeshifters.

If they are, my recommendation is to create something in the editor that adds those critter qualities to your Shapeshifter for you. It isn't super difficult, you can create it as an optional racial modification or a free positive quality if you prefer. And you just bootstrap all of the things that the errata adds.

If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, let me know and I can look into creating it or giving you a better tutorial on how to make it yourself. (I don't actually have the program open right now)
That particular errata is considered "provisional" so it isn't technically official.

You will want to check with your GM to see if they are including the provisional errata for shapeshifters.

If they are, my recommendation is to create something in the editor that adds those critter qualities to your Shapeshifter for you. It isn't super difficult, you can create it as an optional racial modification or a free positive quality if you prefer. And you just bootstrap all of the things that the errata adds.

If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, let me know and I can look into creating it or giving you a better tutorial on how to make it yourself. (I don't actually have the program open right now)

Actually, the Core Rule book errata is official, as is Run Faster and Street Grimoire. The others are still Provisional.
Actually, the Core Rule book errata is official, as is Run Faster and Street Grimoire. The others are still Provisional.

Actually (and this was announced on the Shadowrun subreddit), ALL errata in this thread on the official Shadowrun forums has been marked "Official," minus the part about the clarification on how the Condition Monitors work.

I guess I can try to figure out how to re-add Technomancers with the updated priorities though.
I know what I said, and I said the truth. Each individual piece of errata is individually marked as either Provisional, Official, or Superseded. That status is updated if that status changes. So each errata post individually indicates whether or not it is official.

That particular errata (the one giving Shapeshifters a number of Critter Powers and Weaknesses) is still provisional. It wasn't/hasn't been officially sanctioned. The post on the Shadowrun Subreddit was a repost/anouncement from the Shadowrun forums and it said "All approved Corebook Errata to date marked as "Official"" (Note the "Approved Corebook Errata"). This means any errata not marked "Official" in the Shadowrun forums was not approved (yet).

Here is a link to the errata the OP referred to, as well as a copy of the text as of today:

Status: Provisional

Shapeshifter Species Abilities (P. 105, Metavariant Attribute Table: Shapershifters)
For each variety of shapeshifter, add the following entries to Racial Traits: Allergy (Silver, Severe), Dual Natured, Regeneration, and Vulnerability (Silver).
I know what I said, and I said the truth. Each individual piece of errata is individually marked as either Provisional, Official, or Superseded. That status is updated if that status changes. So each errata post individually indicates whether or not it is official.

That particular errata (the one giving Shapeshifters a number of Critter Powers and Weaknesses) is still provisional. It wasn't/hasn't been officially sanctioned. The post on the Shadowrun Subreddit was a repost/anouncement from the Shadowrun forums and it said "All approved Corebook Errata to date marked as "Official"" (Note the "Approved Corebook Errata"). This means any errata not marked "Official" in the Shadowrun forums was not approved (yet).

Here is a link to the errata the OP referred to, as well as a copy of the text as of today:


I agree with this assessment. Reading the first posts of the errata thread does indicate that each item is individually marked as to is status as official or not.
More items have been made official - the ones I'm particularly interested in are the fading values for Technomancers.
I'm particularly interested in Technomancer errata. Fade levels are different, skill grants for the priorities include hacking skills not just resonant ones, etc.

HL is my preferred game assist, but it's hard when it's out of date on things that have been released for a significant period of time, and there is no 'house rules' options for common mods. I can take a swing at altering base files, but if I get that wrong it has Consequences for my table so I'd rather it be done by professionals.
I'm particularly interested in Technomancer errata. Fade levels are different, skill grants for the priorities include hacking skills not just resonant ones, etc.

HL is my preferred game assist, but it's hard when it's out of date on things that have been released for a significant period of time, and there is no 'house rules' options for common mods. I can take a swing at altering base files, but if I get that wrong it has Consequences for my table so I'd rather it be done by professionals.

The professionals seem to be drinking from a firehose on just Pathfinder/Starfinder alone. That doesn't even include Realm Works. WL has put out a call for people to contribute 15-20hrs/wk for HL updates. Might be good for folks with some free time to dedicate to Shadowrun.

I'm not terribly great at the scripting for HL but if I had some training or some solid documentation I'd like to help.
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The professionals seem to be drinking from a firehose on just Pathfinder/Starfinder alone. That doesn't even include Realm Works. WL has put out a call for people to contribute 15-20hrs/wk for HL updates. Might be good for folks with some free time to dedicate to Shadowrun.

I'm not terribly great at the scripting for HL but if I had some training or some solid documentation I'd like to help.

Hmmm. I might be interested, but I'm not clear on how much my experience with the Savage Worlds and 4e end of it would port over.
Technomancer errata in the threads are marked official. The previous objection to putting them in was 'errata being provisional'. Ok, They're not. Now Catalyst has apparently stopped actually doing any updates to those threads (see http://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=24481.msg496026#msg496026 and Goodman's last post which was around the core rulebook entries in the master thread all going approved).

HL isn't a volunteer project. It's a paid product. The errata went live for the technomancer parts back in October. That's 5 months, and Lone Wolf has released Forbidden Arcana, so I know they're putting work on the product line.

It irritates me for fundamental core book stuff to still be wrong, and get a shrug back on when the changes will implement. I feel for Shifters who have a very incomplete implementation, but is there any chance at all for at least implementing variant checkbox with 'use all provisional rules' and rolling these changes in across all of the threads?

For the core book ones, Technomancer in specific since no one from LWD has checked in since my last in Feb:

Status: Official

Fading Value Changes for Complex Forms (P. 252-3, Resonance Library)
The Fading Values for complex forms should be updated as follows. Note that the minimum Fading Value for a complex form is 2 (Threading, p. 251).

Cleaner: L–2
Diffusion of [Matrix Attribute]: L–2
Editor: L–1
Infusion of [Matrix Attribute]: L–2
Static Veil: L–3
Pulse Storm: L–3
Puppeteer: L+1
Resonance Channel: L–3
Resonance Spike: L–3
Resonance Veil: L–3
Static Bomb: L–1
Stitches: L–3
Tattletale: L–3​
From oct 17 2017

Status: Official

Priority Table Clarification (P. 65, Priority Table)
For Technomancers, change the number of Complex Forms in each row as follows:

Priority A: Increase from 5 to 7
Priority B: Increase from 2 to 4
Priority C: Increase from 1 to 3
« Last Edit: (22:11:19/10-19-17) by Patrick Goodman »

Status: Official

Priority Table Clarification (P. 65, Priority Table)
In the Magic or Resonance column for Technomancers, change the number and type of skills in each row as follows:

Priority A: Change from "two Rating 5 Resonance skills" to "three Rating 5 skills from Resonance, Electronics, or Cracking skill groups"
Priority B: Change from "two Rating 4 Resonance skills" to "three Rating 4 skills from Resonance, Electronics, or Cracking skill groups"
Priority C: Change from none to "three Rating 2 skills from Resonance, Electronics, or Cracking skill groups"
« Last Edit: (15:16:40/10-20-17) by Patrick Goodman »

I don't like using the volunteer effort, when the paid version is generally better and solid. But the volunteer effort, for whatever reason, seems to be better about actually updating older content if flaws are discovered (and god knows, with Catalyst's editing prowess, that's going to happen like clockwork).
Any updates on this topic?
I'm very interested in building a technomancer and this official errata is a big deal for me (current HL capabilities have fallen behind the free tools, sadly)

If it helps, I've bought more than $500 of Hero Lab stuff over the years and this update is a big deal to me.