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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

They are just Skills. They'll be set up like Knowledge Skills are now. I am going to keep them on a separate table like they are now, and move them to the Skills page. That way we can track how many languages you are still entitled to like we do with Edges and Hindrances now, and like already we do with Languages now. We just need to track a Die Type with it.
Yep, the KS announcement today makes it pretty clear this is not the "finalized" version. Looks like they've been getting lots and lots of feedback so v2.1 is out today (due to a formatting glitch, apparently, with a few other things in there as well), a v3.0 will be out next week and the current plan is there will be a finalized version that goes to the printer in early January now instead of the end of December, after a bit of a break for the holidays. So presumably the "final" version will be, I guess, v4.0. Of course the still will make fixes on the pdf version after that if folks bring up things of note, but overall that's about par for the course for the way PEG has done other KS stuff before... well, except this one seems to be getting a LOT more feedback and checking than most of the settings files they've put out so it looks like a few extra iterations are being done on it.
Yep, the KS announcement today makes it pretty clear this is not the "finalized" version. Looks like they've been getting lots and lots of feedback so v2.1 is out today (due to a formatting glitch, apparently, with a few other things in there as well), a v3.0 will be out next week and the current plan is there will be a finalized version that goes to the printer in early January now instead of the end of December, after a bit of a break for the holidays. So presumably the "final" version will be, I guess, v4.0. Of course the still will make fixes on the pdf version after that if folks bring up things of note, but overall that's about par for the course for the way PEG has done other KS stuff before... well, except this one seems to be getting a LOT more feedback and checking than most of the settings files they've put out so it looks like a few extra iterations are being done on it.

Well, it is the core book, so just on that grounds its probably getting a lot more eyes than any individual setting book gets.
Any further word on this? I'm just trying to make sure that if I but the current Savage Worlds kit, I'll get the new one when available. Not trying to rush anyone. ��
It's still in work. The multiple arcane backgrounds are proving interesting. I'll be able to give you a better idea once I have that worked out. On the plus side, we got the repository shift finally dealt with, and 5.7 will be out very soon.
Nice! I would also note that the finalized print version of SWADE only came out in PDF just last week (although it was mentioned that this one compared to the v4 draft was strictly typos to be fixed rather than anything affecting the rules). So in that sense the final version of SWADE was only JUST released.
Any word on this...

Hoping all is well just wonder and if there is a time frame or ETA? My group depends on Hero lab it seems and we are eagerly awaiting this release. :)
Hoping all is well just wonder and if there is a time frame or ETA? My group depends on Hero lab it seems and we are eagerly awaiting this release. :)

Well, since nobody else responded, you can see from this thread that CC, who is the main developer working on the SWADE update, had a dead computer last week that he was hoping to have fully rectified by now (and I'm hoping and assuming he has). That, along with the fact that the latest, greatest version of SWADE that actually is the one going to the printers wasn't even fully available until 2 weeks ago probably means there is still a lot of work to do to get SWADE into the LoneWolf approval process, then there is testing and such that has to happen from there before it can get to us. So I'd be surprised if we had anything before May. (Please note that I am not at all associated with LoneWolf and they have not put out any kind of actual schedule so that is strictly conjecture on my part and I would be WAAAY off from the actual timeline.)