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RSS Feeds

I don't know if its just me, but they don't update when new posts are made. Also it seems the e-mail subscription for the site is not working either.
It's been a while, but I finally had a chance to look into this properly. Here's the deal:

http://forums.wolflair.com/external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=67 (the URL that was shown above) is an RSS feed of new threads. It's only updated when a new thread is posted to the forum.

http://forums.wolflair.com/external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=67&lastpost=true (the same URL as above, with &lastpost=true on the end) is an RSS feed of new posts. I'm pretty sure this is what AndrewD2 wants - an RSS feed to show an update whenever something new is posted in a thread, not just whenever a new thread is posted.

Hope this helps!
Well I set up the feed shortly after you posted this and I've not received any updates to the PF forums with new posts. I should also note that I usually don't even receive NEW posts using the regular feed either.
When I check this link:


Which should be the PF forums -the last item that shows up is "Dragonlance Data"
<pubDate>Tue, 17 Nov 2015 22:19:26 GMT</pubDate>

There have been a number of posts after that one.

And now I refreshed it again as I was typing this and the feed link updated, but not my reader (which I had set to 2 minute intervals).

I'll test in a different reader and see, it might be my plugin.
I just visited that link and the "Dragonlance Data" thread is a few posts down, so it seems to be correct for me?
I don't know if its just me, but they don't update when new posts are made. Also it seems the e-mail subscription for the site is not working either.

I subscribe to some threads and have been getting e-mail notifications. They seem to be working for me.
I subscribe to some threads and have been getting e-mail notifications. They seem to be working for me.

Yeah I was informed that they disabled full sub-forum subscriptions, but individual threads should work. Sadly that doesn't do what I used to use it for, but it'll work some.