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Rifts for Savage Worlds

See this post for the address to add to your updates mechanism in HL.

That should put the Rifts entry on your updates list, and then can simply download it. :)

I’ll probably update my signature to remove the github and leave that update link instead....
Just a quick update - working on fixing some issue I’ve come across, making some (I hope they’ll be considered) improvements and trying to add a small bit of functionality (like allowing the Hero’s Journey Body Armor selections to actually select and modify an Armor on the Hero).

Just wanted to let folks know this was coming and might cause some character breakage, but not sure. I’ll post a list of what I’ve got so far later when I get a chance...

(Anxiously awaiting the SWADE versions too. :) )
Thanks for the update. I am definitely looking forward to the SWADE module so we can get started on updating the Rifts plugin. Going through and converting by hand it mind numbing.

This is where things are currently for the next version. :)

- New setting on Configure Hero to preclude races from the Sci-Fi Companion
- Use generic Racial Tab instead of Rifts Racial Tab.
- Replacement for Skills tab to allow for selection of languages on the tab
- Rework of Flame Wind Dragon Hatchling
* Limited Metamorphosis tags Rifts.DragonForm and Rifts.HumanForm which allow for conditional bootstraps of Dragon-Specific Abilities
- Rework of Breed Advantage Edge
* Each breed is a Simple component with
- Helper.Bootstrap tag
- BreedAdv.<name of the breed> tag

- Adjustment for Skill Points Spent
- New ArmorSpecial component and ArmorRifts compset
- adds following fields to Rifts-Specific Armor
- arToughness: value to modify wearer's toughness by when equipped
- arSpecial: Special details about Armor
- arSpecDisp: used to display synthesis of Cover tags and new ArmorSpecial.? tags
- arCover: holds text synthesis of display for ArmorLoc.?
- Rifts Statblock includes display of special features for armor
- Extended Character sheet
- Armor displays increased to include display of coverage and special properties
- Body Armor selections for Hero's Journey provide modification of selected armor.
- Close Combat Weapon selections for Hero's Journey provide modification of selected Melee Weapon (not natural weapons).
- Ranged Combat Weapon selections for Hero's Journey provide modification of selected Ranged Weapon (not natural weapons)

- Creatures created with core Rifts settings treated as Human in addition when saved to portfolio and reloaded (Human tags, abilities, etc.)
- Running Die missing for various edge/racial abilities
- Cyber-Knight available powers incorrect
- Combat Cyborg unable to select edge or attribute for Shadow of Themselves
- Training: Combat Edge entry for Hero's Journey provides too many choices
- Exceptional Rapid Recharge shows as "Impr Rapid Recharge"
- Dragon Hatchling is unable to use advance to purchase/upgrade abilities


  • Sheet - Armor.PNG
    Sheet - Armor.PNG
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Version 1.4 of the Savage Rifts files are now available through the update mechanism. :)

Because this includes the Generic Racial Tab, you may want to add the update link found in this post for that specifically as well.

I'm hoping it's showing as a new update for folks at least, because it didn't when I tried for my clean install of HL. The name did change to show 1.4, and the date was today, but no exclamation point to indicate a "new" update.
While waiting on SWADE, I'm working on separating the Rifts data from the SFC (creating Rifts specific versions of the components such as cyberware, robot vehicles, power armor, etc...).

The SWADE version I will hopefully have completely separate from the start. However, for the regular SW, it may mean rebuilding characters. :(
Working on this for next release as well....

Name: Fury Beetle
Creature: Fury Beetle
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Fighting d8-2, Notice d8+2
Pace: 12, Running Die: d10, Parry: 10, Toughness: 27(12), Charisma: 0, Current Strain: 0, Max Strain: 6, Size: 4
Gear: Claws/Bite d8-2 (Str+2d8), Unarmed Strike d8-2 (Str), Natural Armor (+12; Mega-Damage), Natural Armor
Special Abilities:
• Alertness: Very perceptive; +2 Notice
• Charge: Ignore MAP for Running
• Frenzy: +1 attack and -2 on Fighting rolls
• Armored Shell: Fury Beetles have +12 M.D.C. Armor and +2 Toughness.
• Claws/Bite: Str+2d8, AP 8, Mega Damage. The Fury Beetle can gut a Glitter Boy.
• Full-Spectrum Vision: Able to see in the infared and ultraviolent spectrums, as well as sense thermal patterns and possessed of full night vision, the Fury Beetle ignores all Illumination penalties.
• Large: Attackers gain +2 on attack rolls
• Psionic Senses: Fury Beetles have natural psionic sensory gifts. They can make a Notice check to psychically find water, and are also able to sense any arcane or psionic energies.
• Rapid Movement: All those legs give the Fury Beetle exceptional Pace, with a d10 Run die.
• Size +4: Adjustment to Toughness based on creature's mass
• Slow Regeneration: Creature gains a natural healing roll once per day.

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Copyright © 2004-2018 by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.
Getting the following error when I try to load the Savage Rifts stuff:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 12) - Portal - Duplicate record encountered ('raRaceAbil')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 26) - Portal - Duplicate record encountered ('raRaceProp')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 176) - Template - Duplicate record encountered ('raPropPick')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 425) - Layout - Duplicate record encountered ('racial')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 457) - Tab Panel - Duplicate record encountered ('racial')

Ideas on what's going on?
Getting the following error when I try to load the Savage Rifts stuff:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 12) - Portal - Duplicate record encountered ('raRaceAbil')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 26) - Portal - Duplicate record encountered ('raRaceProp')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 176) - Template - Duplicate record encountered ('raPropPick')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 425) - Layout - Duplicate record encountered ('racial')
File: savrifts_tab_race.dat (line 457) - Tab Panel - Duplicate record encountered ('racial')

Ideas on what's going on?
The latest version of the files includes the Generic racial tab. Do you have a file in the folder called Generic_Racial_tab_racial.dat along with three other files that begin with Generic_Racial_? If so, you can delete the savrifts_tab_race.dat file.

I'm not sure why it wouldn't delete the old file when the update was installed though...
Hi, awesome work on this project! I did have some issues trying to generate a character however. I kept getting 1d8 for my Arcane Background skill when I selected an IF. Not sure why this was happening, but I show 1d6 as the starting AB skill level in my books.
Hi, awesome work on this project! I did have some issues trying to generate a character however. I kept getting 1d8 for my Arcane Background skill when I selected an IF. Not sure why this was happening, but I show 1d6 as the starting AB skill level in my books.
Thanks. :)

Which IF are you adding?